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Tolerance and Equality

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1 Tolerance and Equality
Mrs. Rau

2 Stratification People categorize others in comparison to themselves,
Make judgments about those others, Then act toward them on the basis of those judgments.

3 Two Types of Status Ascribed Status: Achieved Status:
Is a social identity or position that we obtain at birth or develop into involuntarily as we get older. Examples: race, sex, ethnicity, religion, family status (sister, brother, etc.) “middle aged”, “old- timer”, “teenager” Achieved Status: Is a social position or identity we take on voluntary or earn through our own efforts or accomplishments. Examples: being a student, spouse, or a your career choice

4 Prestige: the amount of honor and respect people receive from others.
Influences on prestige: class position, intelligence, physical appearance, family background. Power: the ability to influence others and to pursue and achieve one’s own goals. Usually power, wealth, and prestige coincide, but not always.

5 Identities Are the categories we use to specify, both to ourselves, and to others who we are. What are some ways you express your identity?

6 Race Is a category of individuals who share common inborn biological traits Such as… Skin color Color and texture of hair Shape of eyes, nose

7 Ethnicity Refers to the non-biological traits that provide the members of a group with a sense of common identities. Such as.. Shared ancestry, culture, history, language, patterns of behavior, and beliefs

8 Social Class Refers to a group of people who share a similar economic position in society based on their wealth and income. Upper class (5%), middle class (45%), working class (35%) & lower class (15%). In the US the boundaries between class levels is more permeable than in some other countries. Example: Caste system in South Asia

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