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Performance analysis assessment – analysis and evaluation

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1 Performance analysis assessment – analysis and evaluation
10% of overall qualification 25 marks! Students will be assessed on two sections: analysis (15 marks per activity) evaluation (10 marks per activity) Students can analyse and evaluate their own performance or the performance of another person. Analysis and evaluation can only be carried out on an activity listed in the specification. Can be carried out in either written or verbal format – if verbal, audio-visual evidence.

2 Section 1- Analysis: The student has an excellent knowledge and appreciation of the demands of their chosen activity. He/she is fully conversant with the specific movements and terminology used when referring to the activity. The student fully appreciates their own strengths and weaknesses. They are able to provide a clear, detailed and in- depth self-analysis for both strengths and weaknesses.

3 Analysis continued All of the strengths and weaknesses are fully justified with detailed reference to appropriate competitive/performance situations. The student’s chosen fitness strength and weakness are fully relevant to the activity (and positional role if relevant) and he/she is able to provide strong justification of how they have impacted upon their performance(s).

4 Section 1: Analysis – strengths and weaknesses (15 marks)
Analyse a performance in one activity from the specification in order to identify and justify two strengths and two weaknesses. One strength and one weakness should be a fitness component. One strength and one weakness should be a specific skill/technique or tactic/strategy/aspect of choreography (as appropriate).

5 Analyse yourself or another (15 marks)
1. Fitness strength (fully justified with reference to recent performances) 2. Fitness weakness (fully justified with reference to recent performances) 3. Skill/ tactical strength (fully justified with reference to recent performances) 4. Skill/ tactic weakness (fully justified with reference to recent performances)

6 Section 2 - Evaluation: The student has chosen an appropriate training type to eradicate their fitness weakness, providing a strong, well detailed justification which fully evaluates their choice. The relevance of the chosen training type is fully applied to the personal needs of the performer. It is wholly personal (not general) and includes detailed and relevant safety considerations.

7 Evaluation continued The explanation of how training will be undertaken is detailed and appropriate, providing a thorough explanation of an example session. Suitable intensities have been calculated, fully justified and linked to the needs of the performer. The other theoretical area chosen is relevant, explained in detail and strongly justified in relation to how it could be applied to the performer. The student proposes in detail how improvement can take place using both the training type and the other theoretical area.

8 Evaluation – the use of theoretical principles to cause improvement (10 marks)
Produce an overall action plan that suggests ways to improve upon the identified weaknesses Use appropriate theoretical content in action plan Students will not be assessed on whether improvement actually occurs

9 Evaluation (10 marks) 1. Choose a suitable training type (justified).
2. Write up a session of that training type in detail (how will it help?). 3. Choose another area of the theoretical course. 4. Justify how knowledge of this area could improve performance. 5. Demonstrate how it could be used in the future.

10 Identified weakness - attacking heading
Things you will need to Evaluate: Identified weakness - attacking heading Explanation of technique used (incorrectly) Explanation using correct and specific terminology Links to the position Links to the impact it has had on… Several different actual competitive performances Explained in detail

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