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Major Theorists of Child Development

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Presentation on theme: "Major Theorists of Child Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Theorists of Child Development

2 Sigmund Freud Childhood experiences affect adult life.

3 Maria Montessori Children learn through senses
They need objects to manipulate Founder of “Montessori” schools

4 Arnold Gesell Developed basic information about sequence and rate of child development.

5 Jean Piaget Children go through 4 stages of learning.

6 Erik Erikson Personality develops in stages. Trust Guilt Hard work
Taking care of others

7 B.F. Skinner Effects of positive and negative reinforcement
(Rewards and punishments)

8 Albert Bandura Children learn by modeling. Parents and caregivers must provide good examples.

9 Robert coles Caregivers examples help children in moral development.

10 Lev Vygotsky Children should have many opportunities for social interaction to develop intellectually.

11 Howard Gardner 1943- Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Musical, Bodily-kinesthetic, Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalist, Existential, Moral

12 Urie Bronfenbrenner Environmentalist Theory:
Microsystem-daily environment of child Mesosystem-connections between home & school Exosystem-outside environment-parent workplace Macrosystem-larger environment such as country

13 Lawrence Kolhberg (3rd from left)
3 levels of moral development: Child follows rules because of authority figure. Adult abides rules because society expects it. Adults make moral choices because they care about others-some never reach this level!


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