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Jeopardy! Ancient Israel.

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1 Jeopardy! Ancient Israel

2 Jeopardy! Israel Final Jeopardy! Final Jeopardy! Abraham Moses David Solomon Review 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 What is “Father of Many”
Abraham 100 ‘Abraham’ means: What is “Father of Many”

4 Abraham was originally born in __________.
Where is Mesopotamia

5 What is “An agreement with God”
Abraham 300 ‘Covenant’ means: What is “An agreement with God”

6 Abraham 400 Abraham made this journey from Mesopotamia to this
“promised land.” Where is Canaan or Jerusalem

7 What are Islam, Judaism, & Christianity
Abraham 500 Three monotheistic religions consider Abraham the great patriarch of their faith. List them: What are Islam, Judaism, & Christianity

8 Moses 100 ‘Moses’ means: What is “Drawn out”

9 Moses 200 This is the second book of the Torah/Old Testament and tells the story of Moses. What is the Exodus

10 Moses returns to Egypt after God speaks to him through a __________.
What is a Burning Bush

11 What is The Angel of Death (Killing 1st Born Sons)
Moses 400 Moses releases 10 plagues on Egypt after the pharaoh refuses to release the slaves. The 10th and final plague was __________. What is The Angel of Death (Killing 1st Born Sons)

12 Moses married a woman named _____________.
Who is Zipporah

13 David was asked to cure King Saul of _____________.
What is Nightmares

14 Who are the Philistines
David 200 David was able to defeat the mighty Goliath with his sling. Goliath belonged to this seafaring tribe. Who are the Philistines

15 David 300 David would eventually unite the tribes of Israel. How many tribes were there? What are 12

16 David 400 David moved the capital of Israel and the Ark of the Covenant to this holy city. Where is Jerusalem

17 David 500 King David would eventually marry this unknowing widow. Her name was _________ . Who is Bathsheba

18 What are Raising Taxes/ Forced Labor
Solomon 100 Solomon would eventually build the First Temple using these two methods. What are Raising Taxes/ Forced Labor

19 Solomon 200 Solomon constructed two massive bronze columns outside the temple. These columns were named __________. What are Boaz & Jachin

20 Solomon 300 This bronze basin was placed outside the temple and could hold nearly 10,000 gallons of water. What is the Molten Sea

21 Solomon 400 The initial entryway of the temple held 10 menorahs, bread offerings and an alter for burning incense. This was room was called the ____________ . Where is the Holy Place

22 Solomon 500 Cedar was used throughout the interior of the temple. The best cedar was imported from ____________. Where is Lebanon

23 These were the first humans to use stone tools.
Review 100 These were the first humans to use stone tools. Who are Homo Habilis

24 These ‘spear-throwers’ predated the bow and arrow.
Review 200 These ‘spear-throwers’ predated the bow and arrow. What are Atl-atls

25 Review 300 Located in modern day Turkey, ___________ was one of the earliest permanent settlements in human history. Where is Catal Hoyuk

26 List all 5 tenants of civilization.
Review 400 List all 5 tenants of civilization. What is Government, Religion, Arts & Innovation, Stable Food Supply, and Social Structure

27 Review 500 This Persian king would conquer the Babylonians and release 40,000 Jewish slaves. Who is Cyrus the Great

28 Final Jeopardy Israel Write down all 12 vocabulary words from our unit of study (200 points each): Covenant Ark of the Covenant Descendant Jerusalem Monotheism Worship Exodus Boaz & Jachin Plague Molten Sea Sabbath Philistines

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