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Which hurricane is the strongest?

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Presentation on theme: "Which hurricane is the strongest?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which hurricane is the strongest?
By: Chelsea Lowry Period:3

2 Scientific Question My scientific question is what hurricane is the strongest out of 2 places?

3 Background I chose this because I wanted to see how powerful hurricanes are in different places.I also chose this because I wanted to see how many homes the destroyed.Last I chose this because I wanted to see if the hurricanes location affected how strong they were.

4 Hypothesis If I test which hurricane is the strongest over a period of time, then the Atlantic Ocean will have the strongest hurricane.

5 Variables Independent Variable:Different places hurricanes travel over. Dependent Variable:How strong hurricanes are. Constants:hurricanes that are the strongest in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.

6 Procedures Get Materials. Read and research hurricanes.
Observe the data I have found about the hurricanes. Record the data about when the hurricanes happened. Make a conclusion about the data. Repeat steps 1-5

7 Data Hurricanes Miles per hour 175 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Key :Katrina :Sandy Hurricanes

8 Conclusion In conclusion,The hurricane that was the strongest was hurricane Katrina.When I did the experiment I thought Hurricane Katrina was the strongest.So I did more research on it.The data I collected came back as Hurricane Katrina was the strongest and did the most damage.My hypothesis was, I thought Hurricane Katrina would be the strongest,I was right. I learned that hurricane Katrina damaged many homes and was very powerful. Problems that occurred was hurricane Sandy and Katrina were the only major hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

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