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Presentation on theme: "SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS"— Presentation transcript:


2 What are some types of scientific investigations?
Experiments Observations What are some scientific methods? Scientists do not always use the same steps in every investigation?

3 What are some parts of a scientific investigation?
Hypothesis Independent variable (manipulated) Dependent variable (responding) Constants Control Observations and data collection Conclusion

4 What are some characteristics of good scientific investigations?
It must be a fair test It must be replicable What is the difference between repetition and replication?

5 Cup of Coins Experiment

6 Learning goals: Design and conduct a study using repeated trials
Identify control and variables Record data Graph data Interpret and analyze data

7 Title: The effect of increasing the number of coins in a cup on the distance it moves when you puff on it. OR Key Question: If you increase the number of coins in a cup, what will happen to the distance it travels when you puff on it?

8 Safety Precautions: If you have respiratory or other health issues do not puff on the cup. Remember the lab safety procedures you have learnt.

9 Predict: What would happen if you set the cup on a table and blow on it ? What would happen if I put some coins in the cup and attempted to blow on it? Will the number of coins have any effect on it? If you increase the number of coins in a cup, what will happen to the distance it travels when you puff on it?

10 Hypothesis: If I……………….. then ………..

11 Control: Independent Variable: Dependent variable: Constants:

12 Materials: 1 meter stick Plastic cup 12 pennies Notebook

13 Procedure: Place your chin on the long end of the table.
Place the cup with no pennies on it 15cm from your chin. Blow as hard as you can on the container. Measures how far the cup moves in cm. Record your observations in the data table. Repeat steps 1-5 with 3, 6, 9 and 12 pennies in the cup.

14 Number of Pennies in a cup
Observation and data Number of Pennies in a cup Distance (cm) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average distance (cm) 3 6 9 12

15 Data Analysis Make a graph of the average values from your data table
Data Analysis Make a graph of the average values from your data table. REMEMBER…. DRY MIX

16 Conclusion:


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