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Types of Grains.

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1 Types of Grains

2 Types of Grains Barley Brans Bulgur Cornmeal Couscous Cracked wheat
Grits Kasha Millet Oats Quinoa Triticale Wheat Berries

3 Rice Short grain Medium grains Long grains Almost round
When cooked it sticks together Medium grains Grains are plump, tender, and moist Long grains Grains are fluffy and stay separated

4 Preparing Rice Rice is usually simmered
Use just the amount of liquid the grain can absorb Bring the liquid to a boil, add the rice, cover, and bring to boil again Do not stir long grain rice unless necessary Stirring can scrape off starch and make grains stick together

5 Pasta Italian word for paste Pasta dough is made of flour and water
Cooked in a large amount of boiling water Be sure the pot is large enough for the amount of water necessary Drain pasta but never rinse Removes nutrients Freeze left overs Stir 1 tsp. cooking oil into pasta to keep from sticking

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