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Welcome to Chemistry Class Ms. Allan

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Chemistry Class Ms. Allan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Chemistry Class Ms. Allan
Howard High Back to School Night

2 Course Overview: Unit Topics
Atomic structure Bonding Reactions Stoichiometry Gases Acids & Bases Equilibrium Solutions Organic

3 Math Content Chemistry is a math based subject
More than half of our class periods will involve some type of math calculation Algebra skills are required for this class Students should bring a calculator every day (I have basic function calculators)

4 Chemistry is an assessed course…
Quarterly County Assessments are given on the topics covered during that quarter.

5 County Assessments The assessments during quarters 1 and 3 will be counted as an exam grade The Qtr 2 exam is given during mid-terms The Qtr 4 exam is given during finals

6 What we do in class to prepare for assessments…
Sample questions from past exams as drills and wrap-up activities After school study sessions for interested students

7 What does a class look like?
Daily Procedures… Drill: recaps previously learned information or activates prior knowledge on a new topic Activity: self-guided activity, lab, class discussions, explanations Wrap-up reviews the topics covered in the day’s lesson

8 Homework Written homework several times per week
I may grade every problem or I may only select a few from the assignment. Homework should take approx min. (if your child becomes frustrated with the homework, please write a note on the homework paper)

9 Homework Policy… Follows Howard High’s homework policy…
Students have one day to turn in late work for ½ credit. No credit for any work turned in past that time. Homework should be turned In at the beginning of class.

10 Classwork Policy… Students have one day to turn in late work for ½ credit. No credit for any work turned in past that time. Classwork should be turned In at the beginning of class.

11 Lab Work Students must wear goggles in lab at all times and wear closed-toed shoes. Your student’s safety is my first priority when we work in lab.

12 Quizzes Generally, quizzes are announced ahead of time
Studying for quizzes keeps students from “crash” studying the night before an exam

13 Grading 50% Assessments (exams, quizzes, projects) 30% Labwork
20% Homework/Classwork

14 Times available to meet…
Before school and after school by appointment

15 Science For Next Year Before registration for next year, I will send home a recommendation for your child’s science class placement for the school year I highly recommend physics

16 Science Options Physics AP Biology AP Chemistry
AP Environmental Science Marine Science Anatomy and Physiology Forensics

17 Contact Information… Room B201


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