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Mr. Bill Keller Advanced Placement Chemistry Voice Mail Box 2404 address: Office hours for tutoring.

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1 Mr. Bill Keller Advanced Placement Chemistry Voice Mail Box 2404 E-mail address: Office hours for tutoring and make –ups --Monday and Wednesday: 2:00-3:00 pm --Tuesday and Thursday: 2:00-2:30 pm

2 Where can students and parents get more information About Grades: Skyward (get login information from counseling office). About Assignments, Due Dates, Upcoming assessments, etc: My staff page at the CHS website. About the AP Exam: APCentral @ About college AP Policies: Individual college websites.

3 AP Chemistry The course is designed to be the equivalent of a first year general chemistry class at a research university. The course is taught as a second year high school course. A College textbook is used. The topics covered are chosen by The College Board. The Final Exam is written by the college board. Pacing and workload is considerably more strenuous than a regular high school course.

4 Prerequisite Recommendations B or better in first year chemistry course B or better in Algebra 3-4

5 Course Requirements Students are expected to take the national exam given by The College Board every spring. This has approximately a $90.00 cost $25.00 Lab Fee A scientific, graphing, or engineering calculator. Three bound lab composition books or 2 duplicate lab books.

6 The Exam The exam is a 3 hour long multiple choice and free response exam. Scheduled for 8:00 am on Monday, May 5th $90.00 exam registration fee Copies of past exams can be found at

7 What do the kids get out of taking the exam? See how they measure up against the brightest kids in the country in chemistry. If they earn a 3,4,or 5 their course grade will be raised for both semesters 1, 2, or 3 grade increments respectively If they score well and choose to have their scores reported to colleges they MIGHT receive college credit.

8 How is the course graded 15% on homework and class work. –Assigned daily from on-line, past AP exams, or study guide. –Webassign: Usually due on Tuesday and Friday…a week after they have been assigned --Study Guide and AP Problems usually due the day before or the day of a unit exam. 15% on lab work and lab write ups. –16 during the course of the year 70% on tests –4 per semester, plus a final exam that counts as two exams.

9 How can adults help their student to succeed? Check my staff page to stay up to date on what they should be doing Encourage them to ask questions and work in class. Encourage them to do their own work, WHEN IT IS ASSIGNED. Encourage them to get extra help AS SOON AS TROUBLE STARTS. Dont let them wait until it is too late. Encourage them to review and correct assignments before they take the associated test. They need to learn from their mistakes. ENCOURAGE, ENCOURAGE, ENCOURAGE Help them prioritize commitments and find time for a balance of activities.

10 Course and Lab Topics A detailed listing can be viewed at Big Topics: –Electrochemistry –Thermochemistry –Kinetics –Equilibrium –Acid and Base Chemistry

11 Course and Lab Topics 16 recommended labs (At least 6 inquiry based) 25% of class time spent in hands on wet labs

12 Where do they go from here? The Curtis High School science department offers six additional elective choices for underclassman that wish to continue in science to consider: –Oceanography –Anatomy/Physiology –Physics –AP Environmental Science –AP Biology –AP Physics

13 If you have any individual questions, please feel free to contact me at Thank you for coming and thank you for sharing your students with me.

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