Welcome to American Sign Language!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to American Sign Language!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to American Sign Language!
Pick your seat wisely!!! Pick up the slip of paper on the table next to the door. Begin filling it out………. What is something you think I can do to help you be a better student?

2 Who is Ms. Matz? Wife, Mother, Nana and teacher

3 My Family My Husband Richard

4 Her husband Shawn and Tabitha
Kristina Her husband Shawn and Tabitha 3 years old

5 Michelle and Kaleb 4 years old

6 MY Parents Ronald and Fran Matz
Michelle, Ms. Matz, Kristina and My mother My Dad, my hero MY Parents Ronald and Fran Matz

7 Emi, Pam, Staci and Chris

8 My sister Suzanne, mother-in-law Mrs
My sister Suzanne, mother-in-law Mrs. Gonzales and my brother- in –law Russel my brother Joe and his Wife Terri jo-

9 What is ASL all about? American Sign Language (ASL) is a unique language involving not only signed vocabulary used within a particular grammar structure but also a cherished culture including people of all ethnicities, backgrounds and professions who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

10 https://youtu.be/IbLz9-riRGM
I think we are going to be friends

11 Classroom Expectations
Be respectful Treat yourself and others with respect at all times Be prepared Have supplies with you for every class ASL Journal (Composition Notebook) to leave in the class Get your journal from shelf and begin Entry task. Yes you must write the date and the entire task in your journal daily Pens / Pencils

12 Be an Involved ASL is a visual language which means you must watch the teacher, students and guest speakers at all times for instruction and communication Sleeping in class is not permitted (see Consequences section) Be Prompt Tardies will be recorded and reported See Conquences Sign IN/OUT Time, date, where & Note to me Be obedient to all school district and classroom rules See student handbook ASL class rules / expectations listed above as well as in the classroom

13 Consequences If a student chooses not to follow district / class rules the following consequences will be enforced: Verbal Warning Removal from activity or classroom Phone call to parent (profanity is not tolerated) Refocus room referral *Severe disruptions will result in an immediate office referral

14 Other Expectations Watch and participate
In order to be successful in American Sign Language this year, you must be willing to try new activities. You have chosen to take a foreign language that is visual and active. Be prepared to step out of your comfort zone and take a few risks this year. I know you will enjoy my class and I guarantee you will learn to communicate with people who are Deaf while having fun if you follow these class procedures!

15 Voices off During class time, students will sometimes be expected not to use their voice. Class is conducted in American Sign Language (without voices). This may sound very scary but you will quickly understand how much you can learn without speaking! If you feel you are falling behind in class and need additional tutoring please feel free to see me after class to make an appointment for tutoring.

16 Voice off Signals Flickering the lights means stop whatever you are doing and pay attention to me. If you see the VOICE OFF sign on the door you will be expected to come in class quietly and remain quiet using only sign language, fingerspelling and mime and gesture. You can write me a note on paper or on the white board.

17 I expect all of my students to succeed
I expect all of my students to succeed. One key factor in success is effort. If you are participating in class, doing your homework, asking questions and practicing frequently, you will succeed!

18 Notebook Quizes You will use your journal throughout the year. You are required to take all of your ASL notes and tests in your journal. Notes in the front tests in back, and have it in class with you each time we meet.

19 Grading Test Retakes: A student who fails a major test may retake a similar test under these circumstances: The student requests a make-up test and schedules an appointment for the re-take. This does not apply to the semester final exam. The highest grade on any retake is 80% All retakes must be completed prior to the end of each six week grading period

20 Absences/Make Up Work: (see Student Handbook)
It is the student’s responsibility to ask for, obtain, and complete assignments missed for any absence. Look at the calendar on the white board as well as in your journal. It is your responsibility to check the calendar and find out what you missed, and to get any missed handouts. I will not remind you

21 Tutorials: I am available for tutorials for students who are wanting or needing additional assistance in ASL. Students who fail an exam or have been absent are encouraged to come to tutorials before making up assignments. Tutorials offered Tuesday-Thurs- Friday after school (OHS) and before school(RMS)Please be sure to come, if you miss your tutorial and waste my time I will not make another appointment until the next grading period.

22 Helpful Websites and Information:
Students are encouraged to utilize ASL Pro and Life Print.

23 End of class procedures
Return your journal to the correct bin, return bins to shelf, stack student books Make sure your area is clean Move chairs back to appropriate place Remain seated until the bell

24 I’m late, I’m late for A very important date!
Please make it a habit to be in your seat BEFORE the bell rings. I understand that sometimes things happen. When you are late, please do the following: Walk in Quietly. Sign In and Out sheet and leave your note in folder Go back to your seat Quietly Begin activity in progress, or wait for me to come to you to explain the process Failure to do the above procedures will result in disciplinary action.

25 HOW MUCH LONGER??? As same as the tardy procedures, please develop a habit of using the restroom on your own time. Again, I am aware that sometimes situations occur.

26 You may use the restroom when I am done teaching
You may use the restroom when I am done teaching. You do not need to ask permission when I am finished You will not be permitted to use the restroom the first or last ten minutes of class…..so don’t ask!  Life is not fair! We all know that things will happen (ladies), so be prepared!

27 Any Questions??

28 ABC’s Sign the abc’s with me

29 Activity Make sure you know how to sign at least the first letter of your first name

30 Practice makes perfect! Don’t bounce and jerk your hand,
Everyone stand up Remember: watch the sign….voices off!

31 ABC Order no writing or taking
Using fingerspelling only arrange yourselves alphabetically in a line using your first name

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