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Organic Molecules Ms. Cuthrell.

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1 Organic Molecules Ms. Cuthrell

2 4.1.1 Compare the structures and functions of the major biological molecules (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids) as related to the survival of living organisms.

3 1. Carbohydrates composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Ratio 1:2:1 Function: quick energy. Units are simple sugars called monosaccharides, such as glucose (C6H12O6). Disaccharides are double sugars such as sucrose (table sugar). Polysaccharides- starch (energy storage in plants), glycogen (energy storage in animals), cellulose (forms cell walls of plants).

4 1:2 Ratio of Carbon and Hydrogen

5 Carbohydrates Heterotrophs- eat to obtain
Autotrophs- make during photosynthesis in the chloroplast of their cells

6 Diabetes People who have diabetes do not produce enough insulin or cannot use insulin properly to regulate the amount of glucose in the blood.

7 2. Lipids Function- energy storage and structural component of plasma membrane (phospholipids). made of carbon and hydrogen with small amounts of oxygen. Subunits: triglycerides (3 fatty acid tails and a glycerol molecule) nonpolar, meaning not soluble in water. Ex: fats, oils, waxes, and steroids.

8 Clogged Arteries A diet with a lot of lipids will result in plaque deposits in your bloodstream which can cause heart disease.

9 3. Proteins Made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur. Function- growth and repair of cells; catalyzes reactions Building blocks or units are amino acids. 20 basic amino acids bonds between amino acids are called peptide bonds. Made at ribosomes in cells Ex: insulin, enzymes, hemoglobin

10 4. Nucleic Acids Function- genetic blueprint
Complex; store information in the form of a code. Units are called nucleotides Types: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA Found in nucleus of cell.

11 Tests for Organic Molecules
Test Name Checking For? Color Change if Positive Iodine Test (Lugol's Test); (yellow soln) Starch (carbs) Blue/Black Brown Paper Bag Test Lipids (fats) Leaves a translucent spot Benedict's Test (blue soln) Monosaccharides (carbs) Red, orange Biuret's Test (blue soln) Protein Violet

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