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Post War United Nations U.N. Agencies Europe Divided Wild Card 2 2 2 2

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Presentation on theme: "Post War United Nations U.N. Agencies Europe Divided Wild Card 2 2 2 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Post War United Nations U.N. Agencies Europe Divided Wild Card 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10

2 Established to supervise occupied regions

3 Allied Control Council

4 Established to write peace treaties

5 Council of Foreign Ministers

6 Tried major captured Nazi leaders

7 Nuremburg Trials

8 Remove Nazis from government, education, and industry

9 Denazification

10 Fate of Germans in Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc.

11 Expelled from their home countries, they refugee back to Germany

12 All members have representation here

13 General Assembly

14 Deals with questions of peace; has fifteen members, including 5 permanent members

15 Security Council

16 Coordinated major specialized agencies and institutions

17 Economic and Social Council

18 Settles Country vs. Country disputes

19 International Court of Justice

20 Staff for day to day work, like research

21 Secretariat

22 Formulates international standards for workers’ rights

23 International Labor Organization

24 Tries individuals for genocide, mass murder, atrocities, etc.

25 International Criminal Tribunals

26 International health programs

27 World Health Organization

28 Aids children; fights disease, illiteracy, malnutrition


30 5 part agency to improve the standard of living through investment and development

31 World Bank

32 USSR buffer zone of eastern European countries

33 Satellites

34 Artificial dividing line between eastern and western Europe; term coined by Churchill

35 Iron Curtain

36 Stop the spread of Communism to new areas

37 Truman Doctrine (Containment)

38 Formed by US and eleven other western European countries for protection from Communism


40 Formed in May 1955 by USSR and eastern European countries for defense

41 Warsaw Pact

42 High level officials from US and USSR meet

43 Summit Conferences

44 Period of tension and threats between the US and USSR 1946-1991

45 Cold War

46 Current secretary-general of the United Nations

47 Ban Ki-moon

48 Plan to rebuild Europe’s economy

49 Marshall Plan

50 Lost SE Asian and North African colonies in expensive wars after World War II

51 France

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