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Jeopardy Cold War Terms WW II People & Places Cold War United Nations Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Cold War Terms WW II People & Places Cold War United Nations Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Cold War Terms WW II People & Places Cold War United Nations Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question Government by the people, voting.

3 $100 Answer Democracy

4 $200 Question Economy based on private ownership and competition.

5 $200 Answer Capitalism

6 $300 Question Economic system in which industry is owned by the government

7 $300 Answer Socialism Bonus: How is Communism different from Socialism? Communism-willing to go to revolution to make it happen (Extreme form of Socialism)

8 $400 Question Government that takes control over many aspects of people’s lives

9 $400 Answer Totalitarianism

10 $500 Question People working together to benefit the whole?

11 $500 Answer Collectivism

12 $100 Question Why did the USSR want to divide Germany after WWII?

13 $100 Answer To weaken it and prevent future attacks

14 $200 Question What was the name of the plan to help the economies of Europe recover after WWII? Bonus if you know the official name

15 $200 Answer Marshall Plan: European Recovery Program

16 $300 Question What was a post-war goal of the U.S.?

17 $300 Answer Maintain peace and prosperity (spread democracy, open markets For trade)

18 $400 Question Why did the USSR refuse to allow free elections in eastern Europe?

19 $400 Answer Worried they would elect democratic Governments (align with the US). Wanted a buffer zone of communist nations

20 $500 Question How did the Japanese change Politically after WWII (give 3 Examples)?

21 $500 Answer Created a Constitutional Monarchy Where emperor became a figurehead Gave people more individual rights (speech, press, assemble) Women gained right to vote Limited size of the military

22 $100 Question Who was the British leader to first use the term “Iron Curtain”

23 $100 Answer Winston Churchill

24 $200 Question What US general was placed in charge of the occupation of Japan?

25 $200 Answer Gen. Douglas MacArthur

26 $300 Question What two countries did Truman want to provide aid to with the Truman Doctrine?

27 $300 Answer Greece and Turkey

28 $400 Question George Kennan developed what foreign policy to prevent the spread of Communism

29 $400 Answer Containment

30 $500 Question Name two of the conferences where the Allies discussed the post-war world.

31 $500 Answer Cairo, Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam

32 $100 Question The blockade of what city ended when world opinion turned against the USSR?

33 $100 Answer Berlin

34 $200 Question What might have caused the Soviet Union To distrust the US?

35 $200 Answer US intervention of Russian Rev. U.S. refusal to recognize USSR until 1933 “Delayed” invasion of Western Europe Most powerful nation (atomic weapons)

36 $300 Question Name three satellite nations of the Soviet Union? (any more will be bonus points!)

37 $300 Answer Poland, Hungry, Romania, East Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia

38 $400 Question What military pact was formed in response to NATO?

39 $400 Answer Warsaw Pact

40 $500 Question What was Joseph Stalin’s primary goal after WWII?

41 $500 Answer Create a buffer zone in Eastern Europe to Protect Soviet Union from future attacks

42 $100 Question What is the main goal of the UN?

43 $100 Answer Maintain world peace and improve standard of living around the world

44 $200 Question What power does the “big five” of the Security Council have?

45 $200 Answer Veto Power

46 $300 Question Who is the Secretary General of of the UN?

47 $300 Answer Ban Ki-moon From South Korea

48 $400 Question Name the “Big Five” nations of the UN.

49 $400 Answer U.S. USSR (now Russia) France United Kingdom People’s Republic of China

50 $500 Question Name three organs (organizations) with in the UN?

51 $500 Answer Secretariat, General Assembly, Security Council, International Court of Justice Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council

52 Final Jeopardy Why was the veto power of the permanent 5 in the UN a problem during the Cold War?

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Because the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. could veto one another, nothing was accomplished and ineffective.

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