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Office and Listings SEO Fundamentals

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1 Office and Listings SEO Fundamentals
4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

2 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO determines where your website will rank against all other websites trying to get on page 1, and in which position (1-10). Websites on page 1 get 90% of all visitor (buyer) traffic for any given search term a buyer types into a Google search. SEO is a discipline of both science and art that is evaluated by a secret Google formula (algorithm) to determine website rank. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

3 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only
Why SEO is Critical 70% of All Internet Traffic is SEO 15% is Direct to a Site 15% is SEM Search Engine Marketing - Paid Google Ad Words / Phrases 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

4 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only
4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

5 What Drives Ranking on Google?
We will be talking about Keyword Usage. Doing it Better Can Grow Your Buyer Traffic by %

6 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only
Winning SEO Strategy You can significantly impact your UC Listing and Website SEO. Google assigns points for smart “Keyword” use in; Listing Titles Key Property Features Well Written Property Descriptions Agent Bios Web Page Copy Listings and Websites with the most points rank highest. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

7 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only
What are Keywords? A Keyword is any word a potential buyer may type into a Google search to find your listing or the types of listings you sell. Google ranks millions of websites instantly based on thousands of variables, but Keyword Placement and Keyword Density are two of the most important. UC Websites are programed to present Keywords to Google in an advantaged way, if used correctly. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

8 Optimizing Listings for SEO
UC Technology automatically creates a discoverable web page for every listing you input into the UC system. UC Technology takes Keywords you use in specific areas to further optimize your listings automatically. Optimized listings improve overall listing views, listing buyer traffic, office website and agent SEO. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

9 Writing Listings Correctly for SEO
4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

10 Optimizing Listings for SEO
There are three (3) important segments of the listing you must complete correctly to maximize your SEO; Listing Titles Key Property Features Property Descriptions 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

11 Writing Listing Titles Correctly for SEO
4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

12 Writing Great Listing Titles for SEO
Listing Titles are the most important and immediate SEO work only you can do correctly. Step 1. Write down all possible buyers for your listing. Who are they? residential buyers, luxury, lake home buyers, retirees, investors, vacation, ranchers, farmers, recreational, developers, local, out of state, old, young, very wealthy, etc. Ask others for their opinions of the possible buyers. Step 2. Write down why each buyer would want your listing. Where are they looking for their property? What key features might they search Google for? Step 3. Write down possible search terms or words each of your identified buyers may use to search Google when looking for a property like your listing. The more possible search terms or words you can write down, the better. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

13 Writing Great Listing Titles for SEO
Step 4. Take all your possible search terms and words from Step 3 and rank them from mostly likely to be used by the ultimate, expected buyer to least. (There are no right answers, just use your best judgment / guess.) Step 5. Use the top 7-9 search terms and words as your Listing Title. These are very, very important. Try to minimize any words in the Listing Title that are not these (50 characters limit) It does not matter if the Listing Title does not sound like a good print ad title. Google needs to know what the listing is and this Listing Title is extremely important to Google. Google gives major bonus points to anything in a UC Listing Title. Try to use different Listing Titles for each of your listings, even if similar, change them up. Google will not give points for two identical Listing Titles. Change “Texas Cattle Ranch for Sale, Land, Ranches” to “Working Cattle Ranch / Acreage – Central TX for Sale”, etc. Write complete Listing Titles – use all 7-9 words allowed. Each is very important if you want to be found by buyers on those 7-9 terms. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

14 Writing Great Listing Titles for SEO
The Listing Title you chose can be copied and pasted into a Google search and in most cases will rank your listing in the top 1-3 positions on page 1! This is driven by the UC Technology platform and provides you a clear advantage over your competition. Show your sellers how their listing achieves page 1 results. Example of a Good SEO Listing Title vs a weak SEO Listing Title: “Minnesota Farm for Sale, Hillman County, MN, Row Crop” “Amazing opportunity and rare find –must see!” 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

15 Writing Key Features Correctly for SEO
4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

16 Writing Great Key Property Features for SEO
Google will give bonus points for all words used in your UC Key Property Feature bullet points. Step 1. Start with all ranked keywords for possible buyers from Title exercise. Step 2. Use as many of the keywords as possible in your 8 UC Key Property Features bullet points. Use all the space allowed to include as many Keywords as possible per bullet point. About 3-5 words per bullet point. (30 character limit) You can reuse very important Keywords in the Key Property Features, even if you used them in the Listing Titles. Example: Title = “Texas Cattle Ranch for Sale, Land, Ranches”, Possible Key Features Bullet Points = “TX Ranches for Sale”, “Premier Texas Cattle Ranch”, “Land for Sale, Humboldt County” and so on. Use all 8 possible Key Property Feature bullet points. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

17 Writing Property Descriptions Correctly for SEO
4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

18 Writing Great Property Descriptions for SEO
Property Descriptions also provide points from Google anytime you mention a keyword in conversational type formats. Step 1. Take all Keywords used in your Listing Titles and Key Property Features and work them naturally into a complete property description. Write as if you were talking to the actual buyer. Make sure you use normal language here. Do not just “stuff” keywords into the write-up. Google penalizes “Keyword Stuffing”. Write naturally as you would in a response to a buyer and you will be fine. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

19 Writing Great Property Descriptions for SEO
Step 2. Use the most important Keywords closer to the top of the Property Description. Google gives bonus points to the first few sentences. Write as if you were talking to the actual buyer. Make sure you use normal language or a conversational format here. Step 3. Include all important property information lower in the Property Description write-up. If you do not include all important property information and a buyer searches for anything, like zip code, nearby cities, highways, specific hunting game or fish, area land marks, neighborhood names, names of lakes and rivers, etc., your listing can’t be found for that attribute by Google. You worked very hard to get the listing, make sure the Property Description is complete to ensure maximum SEO and buyer traffic. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

20 Writing Great Property Descriptions for SEO
Example of including Keywords in a Listing Property Description: The ad copy in this example is too short and needs to be more extensive and complete in actual practice. But, it illustrates how Keyword terms (underlined in the ad copy) can be worked into the copy naturally without confusing the consumer. 200 acre Minnesota farm for sale near Hillman, Minnesota. This Mille Lacs County property consists of a home, shop, machine shed, barn, grain bin and 2 outbuildings. The Hillman, MN home is a 3 bedroom, one bath. The house is in need of some repairs and updates. It’s on one level with a basement and the trees that surround this Northern Minnesota farm make it feel “Up North”. The 200 acres of Minnesota farmland for sale include 70 tillable acres, 120 acres of pasture. This row crop farm is irrigated and laser leveled. This is an outstanding Minnesota hunting property which offers: Whitetail Deer, Bear, Pheasants and Turkeys. The property is situated just off a tar road, 30 minutes north of Minneapolis. Google is searching for relevant, unique content that matches the Keywords a buyer has typed into a Google search. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

21 Writing Your Bio Correctly for SEO
4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

22 Writing Great Bios for SEO
Agent bios, found on the “Meet Our Team” page of your UC website, are critical to maximizing your office and personal SEO long-term. Do not be concerned with whether or not a seller will ever actually read your bio, Google will. Step 1. To write an effective bio answer these key questions; I have a listing you would like to sell for me, should I list it with you? Why? Why should I list it with you versus another realtor or auctioneer in the area who charges less? Are you experienced enough to sell my property? What is your background and experience? Do you know this property type and / or market area? Are you as passionate about this type property as I am? Are you licensed, since when? Any relevant certifications? What are you like as a person? Can I relate to you? Do you like to hunt? 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

23 Writing Great Bios for SEO
Step 2. Identify Keywords you regularly use for your most common Listing Titles and Key Property Features and work them naturally into your bio. Step 3. Include the most important Keywords closer to the top of your bio. Google gives bonus points to the first few sentences. Write as if you were talking to the actual seller. Make sure you use normal language here. Do not just “stuff” keywords into the write-up. Google penalizes “Keyword Stuffing”. Write naturally as you would to a seller and you will be fine. Step 4. Include all important information about you lower in the bio. If you do not include all important information your regular buyers search for like cities in your market area, specific hunting game or fish you enjoy, area landmarks, areas and specific property types you specialize in etc., your listing can’t be found for that attribute by Google. Make sure your bio is complete to ensure maximum SEO and buyer traffic sentences is a good length. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

24 Writing Great Bios for SEO
Step 5. You can change, modify and update your bio anytime in Real-time. Call the Home Office if you need help. Step 6. Get everyone in your office to write bios. Each will add more relevant Keywords for improvements in your office SEO. If an agent or auctioneer does not complete a bio on your website, Google will penalize incomplete fields. Tips: You can change the order each member of the team appears in the list from 1st to last easily in Real-time. I would place the best, most Keyword Dense and Keyword Relevant bios at the top of the list as Google gives bonus points to the top of the page copy. Read other UCRE agent, auctioneer and office manager bios for ideas on what to include in yours. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

25 Writing Great Website Page Copy
All the pages in your website will work long-term to help your UC website rank higher if all relevant office Keywords are used throughout each page. The Home Page is the most important page, and Google will give you bonus points for any Keywords used naturally on the Home Page. Step 1. Take all Keywords used in your most common Listing Titles and Key Property Features and identified in your search term / words exercises from your previous work and work them naturally into page copy on each of your website pages. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

26 Writing Great Website Page Copy
Step 2. Use the most important Keywords closer to the top of the page. Google gives bonus points to the first few sentences. Write as if you were talking to the actual buyer. Make sure you use normal language here. Do not just “stuff” keywords into the write-up. Google penalizes “Keyword Stuffing”. Write naturally as you would to a buyer and you will be fine. Step 3. Include all important office information lower in the write-up. If you do not include all important office information and a buyer searches for anything like neighborhoods, nearby cities, counties and states served, highways, specific hunting game or fish, area landmarks, zip codes, etc., your listing cant be found for that attribute by Google. Ensure the page copy is complete to ensure maximum SEO and buyer traffic. 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

27 Writing Great Website Page Copy
Step 4. Send your suggested copy to either your Business Consultant or directly to Mike Podraza (but copy your Business Consultant) at the Home Office and the SEO team will incorporate your recommended edits to each of your website pages. Review and ensure the copy is correct and complete on the following website pages at least yearly: Home Page About US Area Information 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

28 Office and Listings SEO Fundamentals
Optimizing Listings Optimizing Office Websites Optimizing Agents and Auctioneer Websites 4/29/2019 High Confidential – UC Office Use Only

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