Welcome to 3rd grade Ms. Mirrielees

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1 Welcome to 3rd grade Ms. Mirrielees


3 Grading Scale Students will earn letter grades each quarter. Below is the reporting scale used: A = % B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% U = Below 59

4 Students will receive Work Habits and Social Skills
AC- Area of concern DV- Developing Standard M- Meeting Standard   E- Exceeding Standard   NE- Not Evaluated at this Time 

5 Progress Reports & Report Cards
Progress Reports will be posted online halfway through the quarter to update you on your child’s progress. Report Cards will come home at the end of the quarter Parent Teacher Conferences will be shortly after the 1st Report Card

6 Report Card and Progress Report dates
Friday, September 21-Quarter 1 Progress Reports Wednesday, October 24-Quarter 1 Report Cards Sent Home Monday, November 5 & Thursday, November 8-Parent-Teacher Conferences Tuesday, November 20- Quarter 2 Progress Reports Wednesday, January 9- Quarter 2 Report Cards Sent Home Monday, February 11-Quarter 3 Progress Reports Wednesday, March 20-Quarter 3 Report Cards Sent Home Friday, April 26--Quarter 4 Progress Reports Pick up Quarter 4 Report Cards after school is released for summer break  

7 Homework Binder Assignment Notebook: Each day students will record all of their assignments in their assignment notebook. The students should copy the assignments the same way the teacher has written them on the board. The teacher will sign her initials in the planner at the end of the day. This way the students, parents, and teachers all understand the assignment expectations.  Monthly Reading Log: Every month students will receive a reading log. The reading log should stay in the homework binder. Students will read an AR book for at least 20 minutes every night. Students should record the title of the book they read, how long they read, and parents should sign that the student has read in the parent signature area of the reading log. This will be a 100 point reading grade. Students will earn extra credit stars if they read on the weekend.  Accelerated Reader: Your child will be required to earn 25 Accelerated Reader points each quarter. This will be one of many grades in reading.  Monthly Math Log: Every month students will receive a math log. The math log should stay in the homework binder. Students should practice their math facts for at least 5 minutes every night. Students should record what facts they practiced, how long they practiced, and parents should sign that the student has practiced their math facts in the parent signature area of the math log. Students will earn extra credit stars if they read on the weekend.

8 Monthly Reading Log Read for 20 minutes
Date AR Book Title Minutes Read Parents’ Initials 9/2 9/3 9/4 Weekend Read for 20 minutes Write down the title and how long they read Parent signature Work towards their 25 point quarter goal

9 Monthly MATH lOG Record facts studied How long practiced
Ex: x5 by writing Ex: x5 on iPad How long practiced Parents signature Fast Fact Fridays Date Facts Studied 5-10 minutes Parents’ Initials 9/2 9/3 9/4 Weekend

10 Weekly Procedures Fast Fact Friday: On Fridays the students will be given 25 math problems and they will be given 1 minute to answer as many problems as they can.  To prepare, your students should practice their math facts and complete their math log.  Homework: Inside the homework binder there will be homework pages for the night. Most nights students will complete an Everyday Math Home Link and a cursive handwriting page. On Wednesdays they will have Language Lab as well.  Spelling Lists: Students will take a spelling pretest on Monday. The students will get a list of the words that will go inside their binder. The students should study the words through the week. Spelling Tests will be on Fridays. If students do not miss any words, they will receive a super speller list. Fliers, notes from school, etc.: Any notes from school, graded work, or other papers that stay at home will go in the back pocket of the binder. In the front folder of the binder, you may put any papers that need to be returned to school.

11 Classroom Expectations
We are Kind We are Safe We are Responsible and Ready to Learn

12 Behavior expectations
We will use Class Dojo to encourage important skills, like working hard, participating, and being a good friend. We may also use class dojo to communicate with you and share updates from class. It will be a tool you can use to see how your child is doing at school. Please sign up for Class Dojo. You can use it on any device: it is a simple, free mobile app for iOS and Android, and can also be used from a computer at:

13 Mustang money Students can earn Mustang Money from any adult throughout the day when they go above and beyond with their Mustang Manners. They can also earn Mustang Money from Class DoJo points. A few student names from each grade will be drawn on Fridays.

14 Responsibilities Students are expected to complete their classroom assignments and homework assignments. If students fail to complete either classroom or homework assignments (including the reading log) they will need to complete them at recess. Students will use their assignment notebooks as a daily record of assignments. Please make sure to check your child’s assignment notebook to keep them prepared for class. We also expect the students to come to class prepared.

15 Digital Citizenship *Charge the iPad every night
*Ask an adult before going online, taking a picture, taking a video *Tell a trusted adult if something makes you uncomfortable *Respect “Tech Free” times and zones

16 Digital Citizenship *Higher Order Thinking Screen time is more valuable *Keep the iPad in a “Public” room of the house to monitor use *Have Tech Free Family Time *Be aware of who is using the device, and what is on the device, if something inappropriate comes to school on a device, the student is held responsible. *Talk to your student often about what they are using their iPad for, be involved

17 Classroom Jobs Students will be assigned a classroom job approximately every week.

18 Make-Up Work Please work for great attendance this year
Call the office if your child cannot make it to school We can send work home All missed work is expected to be turned in completed within the number of days the child missed (Absent 2 days, you have 2 days after returning to turn in make-up work.)

19 Birthday Treats You may not bring in edible treats, however you are welcome to bring in treats such as pencils, erasers, stickers, etc. There are 20 students in our class

20 Weekly Updates Tell about what we are studying and any upcoming events They will be sent every Monday Please let me know if you are not receiving s from me

21 Healthy Snack Peanut free
Only: Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy(cheese and yogurt), and Goldfish

22 Other Teachers who work in our Classroom
Mrs. Laura Keenan - 3rd Grade Assistant Mrs. Kinsella– EL Teacher

23 Late Arrival Days First one is coming up Wednesday, September 19th. School officially begins at 9:15.

24 How to get Involved Field Trips Santa House: November
Class Parties: December and February Artist Encounters Junior Achievement Everybody Counts Volunteer in the library/cafeteria

25 Twitter Please follow our class on

26 Let’s Make This the Best Year Ever

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