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Welcome to Curriculum Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night!
Please follow our class on Twitter! I post pictures of all the fun things we are doing throughout the day! @klynnkap

2 Video From Mr. Hilton and Ms. Martin

3 School Procedures Arrival/Dismissal Doors are unlocked at 7:30.
If you arrive at 7:50 or later, go to the office to get a tardy slip. If your child is going home a different way, call the office by 2:45pm or send a note in your child’s folder in the morning. If your child is absent, please send a written and signed note stating why your child was absent. This note must be turned in within 2 days. This will make the difference between an “excused” and “unexcused” absence.

4 Great Expectations! - No behavior chart -”rules” will be referred to as “expectations” -intrinsic motivation -logical consequences -parent contact Check out: Great for more information

5 Austin MVP!! Austin MVP “Most Valuable Player”
Every child will have a chance to become an Austin MVP by the end of the year.

6 Teach responsibility by having your child remember everyday to bring…
Backpack Folder- clean out daily, and send any notes that need to be signed and returned. Snack- healthy please  No nuts!! Water bottle labeled with name and 1D.

7 Homework Reading Folders- Sent home on Monday and returned on Friday.
Math- Occasional math pages sent home Spelling City

8 PTO Connect Weekly Newsletters Up to date information about the school
Lets you know how you can get involved Another way to get connected: Austin Elementary PTO Austin Elementary School

9 Background Checks Austin Elementary website:
Under “Parents” click on “Volunteer today”, this will take your directly to the website. Print out the form and submit to the office. This could take up to two weeks. Needs to be completed every year.

10 Thank you SO much for your time!
1st Grade Team

11 School Motto We are respectful We are responsible We are safe
We are prepared Because we are Austin Mustangs On a mission to EXCELLENCE! In addition to this, students are expected to follow our classroom’s “8 expectations for living”

12 A Day In The Life Of 1D 7:40-7:50 Unpack
7:50-8:00        Morning Work and Watch Announcements 8:00-8:15        Morning Meeting/Call to Excellence 8:15-9:30        Math/Math Workshops 9:30-10:00      Writing 10:00-10:30     Recess 10:45-11:15      Lunch 11:15-11:45       Independent Reading 11:45-12:35      Specials 12:35-2:15        English Language Arts/Social Studies        2:15-2:45         Science 2:45-2:55         Pack Up/LIne up 3:05                 Dismissal

13 Specials Monday: Art Tuesday: P.E Wednesday: Music
Thursday: P.E. & Library Friday: P. E./ Runner’s Club *Please wear tennis shoes on P.E. days

14 Language Arts Mini Lessons Workstations Read Alouds
Read to Self Word Work Work on Writing Listen to Reading Guided Reading Read Alouds Monthly Presentations

15 Writing Journals Writer’s Workshop Handwriting Without Tears

16 Math Math Stations Hands on math Number Recognition
One to one correspondence Graphing Money Time Problem Solving Number Sense Addition/Subtraction Hands on math

17 Technology Proper Use of Technology– students will sign a pledge
Website Wednesday Fun for Kid’s Websites- can be found through my website Staff webpages

18 Report Cards Every nine weeks Standards Based – IPS, AS, MS
Beginning of the year conferences Conferences when needed or requested

19 Lunch Family Friday starts September 2nd
If you send in money for student’s lunch account- please put it in an envelope labeled with your child’s name, my name and 1D.

20 Birthdays Parents are no longer allowed to send in birthday treats on their child’s birthday. We will celebrate their birthday in class, they will get a shout out on the announcements, and a prize from the office. If you want to send in invitations to a party outside of class you can but please send enough for the whole class.

21 Transportation Call the office no later than 2:45 if transportation changes OR send a note in your child’s folder. Use the Orange cards when picking up your child. If you don’t have it, you will be asked to go to the office and you must have your drivers license. Sorry 

22 Mystery Readers! Wish lists will be updated on the class website if you are curious about what 1D is needing 

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