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“We must do a better job of preparing our youth for the challenges of the future. To meet this challenge, we need to rethink our entire system of public.

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Presentation on theme: "“We must do a better job of preparing our youth for the challenges of the future. To meet this challenge, we need to rethink our entire system of public."— Presentation transcript:

1 “We must do a better job of preparing our youth for the challenges of the future. To meet this challenge, we need to rethink our entire system of public education. Alaskans must be at the heart of this effort.” – Governor Bill Walker #akedchallenge

2 For more information visit:
What is the challenge? Why are we doing this? Alaska’s Education Challenge is to address our student achievement gaps and increase our graduation rates by making sure that every student across our state has equal opportunities to learn and succeed. For more information visit:

3 Committee Structure Student Learning Educator Excellence
Modernization & Finance Tribal & Community Ownership Safety & Well-Being Committee Membership Each committee is comprised of approximately 20 stakeholders including students, parents, school and district leaders, school board members, teachers, legislators, business leaders, and tribal representatives.

4 Timeline 2016 September State Board of Education revises DEED mission and vision statements and establishes five strategic priorities to drive improvements in Alaska’s public education system 2017 January Governor Walker announces major education initiative and establishes timeline Commissioner Johnson announces Alaska’s Education Challenge and sets forth a process to improve student learning and make Alaska’s public education system competitive with higher performing systems  February - March Alaska’s Education Challenge public survey is conducted Committee memberships and State Board committee co-chairs announced April Kick-off committee meeting in Anchorage May - September Committee meetings via teleconference   October Committees’ finalize recommendations State Board meeting to consider recommendations November State Board meeting to finalize recommendations December State Board advances recommendations to Governor Walker and the Alaska State Legislature Lori Roth, Student Services Director at North Slope Borough School District, holds the Special Education seat on the Student Learning Committee for Alaska’s Education Challenge. She was nominated by the DEED Special Education team to advocate for students with disabilities on this committee. The Council would be welcomed to reach out to her to receive updates on the committee’s work. Committee meetings are also recorded and are open to the public. Erin Hardin

5 Committee Charge Develop up to three recommendations related to assigned strategic priority that will transform our education system based on the following constraints: Be systemic and apply to all students, schools, employees, communities, etc.; Not require resources beyond our direct control; and Produce measurable results that can be benchmarked against higher performing states and countries. Transformational change – includes practices, processes, and products that anticipate, reflect, or define the needs of a significantly different system or environment.

6 Strategic Priorities & Committee Facilitators
Amplify student learning Nancy Norman, Education Consultant Ensure excellent educators Lisa Parady, ACSA Modernize the educational system Bob Whicker, AASB Inspire tribal and community ownership of educational excellence Timi Tullis and Norm Wooten, AASB Promote safety and well-being Sana Efird, DEED

7 Key Stakeholder Partnerships
Alaska’s Education Challenge has received exceptional support from the Association of Alaska School Boards and the Alaska Council of School Administrators. Additionally, the five committee facilitators have provided excellent service in the planning of meetings, facilitation of committees, development of recommendations, and communication with stakeholder groups. Their support translates to strength in unity as we move forward with this process.

8 ESSA is not Alaska’s vision for public education.
Over time the ESSA plan will be revised – as the Education Challenge become formalized, findings and goals from it will be incorporated into the evolving ESSA plan. Stakeholder engagement under ESSA is intended to be continuous – the Governor’s Council on Disabilities is an important and valued stakeholder and should continue to provide input. Our goal is that it will support and nourish the vision of public education held by Alaska stakeholders.


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