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Cognitive Development in Infants

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1 Cognitive Development in Infants
What is cognitive development? What are some examples of cognitive development?

2 Cognitive Development
Thought process Remembering Problem solving Decision making Language

3 Sensorimotor Stage Stage 1
Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory

4 Sensorimotor Stage 0-2 years
Children are learning about their world through the use of their senses + motor activities. Ex: watching an object move + reaching to grasp it. Which of the senses does a baby use? What motor action does a baby use ? Explains why infants & toddlers are hands on They are always getting into things!

5 Advances in sensorimotor stage
1. babies transition from reflexive behavior to intentional behavior 2. develop object permanence

6 Use the power points to answer the observation questions
6 Substages of Sensorimotor Development Substage 1: Simple reflexes (0-1 month) Substage 2: First Habits & Primary Circular Reactions (1-4 months) Substage 3: Secondary Circular Reactions (4-8 months) Substage 4: Coordination of Secondary Schemes (8-12 months) Substage 5: Tertiary Circular Reactions (12-18 months) Substage 6: Mental Representations (18-24 months) Use the power points to answer the observation questions

7 Substage 1: Simple reflexes (0-1 month)
Cognitive activity is based on neonatal (newborn) reflexes Ex: sucking, rooting, grasping, stepping Babies are learning from these reflexive behaviors Reflexes are schemes (how we organize, process and interperit information) Schemes are the building blocks of knowledge Ex: grasping an object, naming animals, doing algebra, understanding numbers

8 Substage 2:First Habits & primary circular reactions (1-4 months)
Less reflexive & more intentional behavior by the infant Ex: infant accidentally puts hand in his mouth & starts sucking on it. He enjoys the feeling & starts to intentionally put hand in his mouth repeatedley. Primary= infant’s own body Circular=once it’s discovered, it’s repeated

9 Substage 3: Secondary Circular Reactions (4-8 months)
Repetition of movements that occurred by chance Ex: baby accidentally kicks toy and it light up & makes a sound. Baby enjoys the light & sound so she repeated the action. Secondary= outside of baby’s body Circular=once it’s discovered, it’s repeated

10 Substage 4: Coordination of secondary schemes (8-12 months)
Baby has goals in his behavior He wants to do something Can coordinate his schemes in order to accomplish his goal Ex: baby wants a toy. Crawls to the toy, pushes the ball aside, grabs the toy

11 Substage 4: Coordination of secondary schemes (8-12 months) Observation 1 Question 19
Object permanence: objects & people continue to exist even if we can’t see them Having object permanence= having mental representations Infants less than 4 months do not look for an object Infants 4-8 months look briefly to see where object went 8-12 months= put an object under blanket, infant will lift it to find it A-not-B error

12 Substage 5: Tertiary Circular Reactions (12-18 months)
“little scientists” Toddlers intentionally try out behaviors to see the effects Ex: flushing toilet over & over Ex: using a sponge

13 Substage 6: mental representations (18-24 months)
Toddlers think about the possibilities then select the actions that will get them what they want Mental representations: having a mental picture in your mind Deferred imitation: ability to repeat actions observed earlier Ex: Sydney was observed feeding her baby doll and burping it. She has a baby brother and has seen her mother feed and burp him. Mental representations can be seen in: Play Language: word we use are mental representations of objects, people, actions, ideas 3. Art


15 Let’s review Piaget’s Sub stages
Stage 1: Sensorimotor 6 sub stages Let's Watch

16 Piaget & Modern research
Piaget formed his theory by observing his 3 children Modern research uses innovative statistics, research designs, sample sizes & strategies Advanced cameras can accurately measure and rewind observations Evidence of object permanence before 8 months fMRI can measure brain activity by showing parts of brain that have blood flow as infant is exposed to stimuli

17 Habituation Habituation-Dishabituation Technique
Technique used to test infant perception. Infants are shown a stimulus repeatedly until they respond less (habituate) to it. Then a new stimulus is presented. Habituation The tendency of infants to reduce their response to stimuli that are presented repeatedly. Dishabituation The recovery or increase in infant’s response when a familiar stimulus is replaced by one that is novel.

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