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Do Now Give me an example of when classical or operant conditioning have been used. Go beyond the ones we’ve already discussed in class.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Give me an example of when classical or operant conditioning have been used. Go beyond the ones we’ve already discussed in class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Give me an example of when classical or operant conditioning have been used. Go beyond the ones we’ve already discussed in class.

2 Comparing Classical & Operant
Flip-It : Associative Learning

3 Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning Basic Idea Learning associations between 2 event Learning associations between our behavior and its consequences Response Involuntary, automatic Voluntary, operates on environment Acquisition N is paired with US  CS Response associated w/consequence (reinforcement or punishment) Extinction CR decreases when CS is not longer paired/presented with US Decreases when reinforcement stops Spontaneous Recovery Reappearance after rest period of an extinguished CS The reappearance after a rest period of an extinguished response Generalization Tendency to respond to other stimuli similar to the CS Responses learned in one situation occur in other similar situations Discrimination Distinguishing between a CS and to other similar stimuli Learning that some responses but not others will be reinforced Cognitive processes and biological predispositions influence both types of conditioning

4 Quiz Clear your desk and get ready!

5 Observational Learning
Learning by watching others Aka social learning Modeling The process of watching and imitating EX: putting on makeup the same way you watched the lady do it Mirror neurons Located in frontal lobe Enable empathy & imitation Active when observing someone do something and then when we do those actions Allow us to create a simulation in our mind Allow us to infer someone’s mental state “theory of mind” Albert Bandura Bobo Doll experiment

6 Albert Bandura Experimental group Control group Outcome
Child watched an adult beat up a bobo doll Control group Did not see adult get aggressive with doll Outcome Children who observed adults become aggressive and violent were more likely to imitate that behavior when they themselves got upset We imitate people Those that are similar to us, successful, or admired Bobo Doll Experiment

7 Today!! Begin working on HW
Tomorrow we will begin review for the entire unit HW= Observational Learning

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