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Conjugating regular –er verbs in the present tense

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Presentation on theme: "Conjugating regular –er verbs in the present tense"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conjugating regular –er verbs in the present tense
Take an –er verb How about parler? Chop off the –er ending to get the stem parler The stem is: parl Take the stem and add the endings Je parle Tu parles Il/Elle parle Nous parlons Vous parlez Ils/Elles parlent

2 Feeling like this?

3 Keep at it!

4 parl parler (to talk) Nous parlons Il/Elle parle Tu parles Vous parlez
Je parle parl Ils/Elles parlent parler (to talk)

5 To conjugate a regular -er verb you need:
+ + subject stem ending Je Tu Il/elle Nous Vous Ils/elles Take the –er off the infinitive For example: écouter stem=écout - e - es - ons - ez - ent + +


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