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Get ready to take Quiz #3 over Chapter “Plants in our Lives”

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1 Get ready to take Quiz #3 over Chapter 22-25 “Plants in our Lives”
Materials you will need: One piece of paper A writing utensil

2 Instructions Remove everything from your table except your materials.
Fold your notebook paper “hot dog” style. Keep the folded paper closed and turn it where you can see the three holes. Write your full heading starting with the first line. Note: This is the only place your name will be written. Open your paper and write the title “Quiz #3.” Number your paper from 1-10. Write the correct answers for the following questions.

3 Question #1 Often vase-shaped, the _____ consists of three parts: the stigma, the style, and the ovary.

4 Question #2 A _____ consists of a slender stalk called the filament, which supports the anther, a tiny compartment where pollen forms.

5 Annuals, Biennials, or Perennials
Question #3 Annuals, Biennials, or Perennials _____live from one growing season to another

6 Annuals, Biennials, or Perennials
Question #4 Annuals, Biennials, or Perennials _____ complete their life cycle in one growing season

7 Question #5 Stigma _____ Ovary _____

8 Question #6 The Lawson cypress, like all other coniferous trees, is _____ pollinated.

9 Question #7 Most flowers have all four whorls—pistil, stamens, petals, and sepals. Botanists call these _____ flowers.

10 _____ is produced in the anther, and is released when mature.
Question #8 _____ is produced in the anther, and is released when mature.

11 The sepals, the outermost whorl, together are called the _____.
Question #9 The sepals, the outermost whorl, together are called the _____.

12 Question #10 Many _____ have bright colors, which attract animals that carry out pollination, collectively termed pollinators.

13 Follow the directions of your teacher.
The End of Quiz #3 Follow the directions of your teacher.

14 Plants

15 Plants in our Lives Chapter 22

16 Plant Kingdom The kingdom Plantae accounts for the largest proportion of the earth's biomass with its approximately 250,000 species of mosses, liverworts, ferns, flowers, bushes, vines, trees, and other plants. Aquatic and terrestrial plants are the basis of all food webs. They contribute life-supporting oxygen to the atmosphere and provide humans with the fossil fuels, medicines, and other substances so important to our present existence.

17 Plant Kingdom                                                                                                            

18 Plants as Food Other Uses of Plants Plants in Our Lives
Chapter 26 p. 589

19 Plants as Food Cereals Legumes Root crops

20 Cereals Cereals such as rice, wheat, and corn are important sources of food. Cereals produce dry fruits calls grains, which contain a single seed that is paced with energy-rich endosperm.

21 Legumes Legumes such as beans and peas are important foods because they provide essential amino acids that grains lack.

22 Root crops Root crops such as potatoes, yams, and cassava are also a major source of calories.

23 Other uses of Plants

24 Wood Wood, an important plant resource, is found in thousands of products. It is cut into lumber for use in building construction. It is ground into wood pulp for use in paper and rayon.

25 Plants Plants are the sources of many important medicines used to treat diseases and other ailments. Plants are also sources of cloth (cotton), rubber, and latex.

26 Impact of Plants Though the first plants appeared on land only about half a billion years ago, today they account for by far the largest proportion of the earth's biomass. From towering redwoods to almost microscopic species of duckweed, the plant kingdom is an extraordinarily diverse and long-lived group that makes the life of animals, fungi, and other organisms possible. Its members provide oxygen, shelter, and the foundation of the food web, determining the traits of the organisms that depend on them in a huge variety of habitats. Their beauty, fragrance, and amazing traits fascinate and bring intellectual and aesthetic pleasure to many humans.

27 Wheat Wheat has been grown throughout temperate regions of the world since prehistoric times. Although wheat's primary use is as a flour, it is also used in brewing and distilling, as livestock feed, and even as a coffee substitute. The former Soviet Union, China, and the United States lead the world in the production of wheat.

28 Redwood National Park Redwood National Park, which covers 455 sq km (176 sq mi) along California's northwestern coast, represents one of the last remaining ancient redwood forests in the world. Here, heavy coastal rainfall and lack of exploitation by humans has encouraged the dramatic growth of some of the largest trees on earth. Some of these redwoods are believed to be more than 2,300 years old.

29 Plants and you

30 Only a tiny percentage of plant species are directly used by humans for food, shelter, fiber, and drugs.

31 At the head of the list are rice, wheat, corn, legumes, cotton, conifers, and tobacco, on which whole economies and nations depend.

32 Of even greater importance to humans are the indirect benefits reaped from the entire plant kingdom and its more than 1 billion years of carrying out photosynthesis.

33 Plants have laid down the fossil fuels that provide power for industrial society, and throughout their long history plants have supplied sufficient oxygen to the atmosphere to support the evolution of higher animals.

34 Today the world's biomass is
composed overwhelmingly of plants, which not only underpin almost all food webs, but also modify climates and create and hold down soil, making what would otherwise be stony, sandy masses habitable for life.

35 The End

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