Designated Funds: Helping to Transform Roads

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1 Designated Funds: Helping to Transform Roads
Vinita Hill Designated Funds Director

2 Designated funds background
The Government has created a series of designated funds to address a range of issues over and above the traditional focus of road investment. There are 5 funds totalling £900m over a six year spending period covering 2015 – 2021: Environment Cycling, Safety and Integration Air Quality Innovation Growth and Housing These funds allow for actions that help Highways England to invest in retrofitting measures to improve the existing road network as well as maximising the opportunities offered by new road schemes to deliver additional improvements at the same time.

3 Cycling Safety and Integration
Fund objectives Reduce noise impact and carbon footprint Improve water quality and resilience to flooding Environment Air Quality Growth and Housing Innovation Cycling Safety and Integration Improve landscape character and quality Deliver improved biodiversity Conserve and enhance cultural heritage assets Better cycling facilities and crossing points to encourage cycling as a mode of transport No one should be harmed when travelling or working on the SRN More accessible and integrated network that enables safe movement across the network Support measures to help the SRN becomes compliant with the annual average limit value for NO2 Help accelerate transition to a zero emission fleet Enable local authorities and others to support own initiatives for clean air Emphasis on the future technology that will positively impact users and network infrastructure Focus on new approaches to asset delivery, asset management and sustainable transport Enable delivery of as many jobs and homes as possible Match funding from public and private sources for improvement schemes

4 Environment - Flooding on Leeming to Barton A1M
Highways England in partnership with Environment Agency and North Yorkshire County Council in a jointly funded and designed scheme to provide a significantly improved standard of flood protection for around 165 homes in Catterick Village and businesses and reduce the risk of flooding on the A1(M). Work compromised of: 2 large earth embankments up to 6 metres high Diversion of Brough Beck and the construction of a new flow control structure. A local bridleway will also be improved 5ha of new area of wildlife habitat

5 CSI - Birchanger Cycle Path
Upgrade to Birchanger cycle path which links Bishop's Stortford to Stansted Airport carrying cyclists safely over the busy M11 The improvements include new signs, extra barriers and fences, surfacing and new energy-efficient solar stud lights and ‘give way’ signage for both cyclists and horse riders The path is now accessible for a variety of users, providing a much safer route for Airport staff, students of the new Stansted Airport College and the local community

6 Innovation – M2M Metering
Pilot project involving the development of a system for the innovative use of existing technology to control traffic on the link roads between two motorways Traffic signals are used to meter/control the flow on the link roads and Variable Mandatory Speed Limits (VMSL) are used to control the main carriageway traffic Provide drivers with smoother and more reliable journeys along the eastbound M62, one of the busiest commuter congestion hotspots in the region

7 Achievements through designated funds
9 flood mitigation schemes delivered 18 motorway LED lighting conversions installed reducing our carbon footprint 31 landscape improvements delivered 81 cycling schemes delivered 121 new and 244 upgraded crossings delivered to date for cyclists, walkers and vulnerable road users 65 safety schemes completed expected to result in 23 fewer KSIs Over 15km of new cycleway delivered in 17/18 alone

8 Environment – A63 Hull Minster
Improve heritage and generate revenue to ensure long term financial stability of the most important medieval building in Hull Build an extension to house a visitor centre and café, and provide access to all through the provision of ramps and level paths Fit cycle storage facilities to encourage sustainable travel Delivered in partnership with Hull Minster, Historic England and the Diocesan Advisory Committee.

9 CSI - St Erth Multi Modal Hub
Contribution to the creation of a new Multi-Modal Transport Interchange alongside the A30(T) at St.Erth in West Cornwall Developed in partnership with local authorities, public transport providers and other key stakeholders Scheme provides: New signalised junction with pedestrian crossing New access road enabling bus services to call directly into rail station Lighting, CCTV, bus/cycle shelters Multiple cycle storage facilities Additional footpaths and accesses

10 Innovation – UK CITE CITE
Develop a collaborative testbed with industry whereby emerging technologies for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles can be developed. Working in collaboration with Jaguar Land Rover we are evaluating a set of connected vehicle services across sections of the M40/M42 This project has demonstrated our support to the Government’s aim for the UK to be world leading in the development of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

11 How you can be involved Funding still available for RP1
Funds plans available at our designated funds clinic and our website: If you have any ideas for proposals you would like us to review please speak to us at our drop in clinic Malcolm Wilkinson Debbie Bootyman

12 Questions?

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