Chapter 33 Review.

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1 Chapter 33 Review

2 Alliances Why did nations form alliances with one another in the early 20th century? Mutual protection/defense

3 Nationalism It’s back! And it’s not really going away for the rest of history. What role did nationalism play in the beginnings of WWI? Increased feeling of pride in belligerent nations—willing to go to war. Inspired Serbian nationalists to attack Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

4 imperialism Balance of power Competition for markets and resources
Subject people’s rebel (nationalism from below)

5 Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
What happened? Explain the chain of events leading from the assassination to the start of WWI Gavrilo Princip – Black Hand. Aust-Hun decl. war on Serbia  Russia decl. war on Aust-Hun. Ger dec. war on Russia, France mobilized Ger decl. war on France. Ger invaded Belgium, GB decl. war on Germany

6 militarism Arms/naval race Glorification of war Huge armies

7 The Schlieffen Plan Germany invades France first through Belgium, then attacks Russia - failure

8 The Western Front Why was it so deadly?
Barbed wire, machine guns, trench warfare, gas, disease

9 Trench warfare

10 New military technology

11 The Eastern Front More mobile than Western, but still very deadly, particularly on the Russian side.

12 Total WAr Why do historians often cite WWI as the first instance of Total War? What do they mean? Full power of nations pitted against each other, civilians as targets, attrition

13 Global War WWI began and was centered in Europe, but where else did fighting take place? What were the effects of the war spreading globally? African colonies, Gallipoli

14 Armenian Genocide Ottoman Empire – Turkish Nationalism – killed ~ 1 million Armenians – this was genocide.

15 Upheaval in Russia March Revolution – What happened?
What were the effects? The Tsar after abdicating (giving up) the throne Tsar Nicky abdicated BUT the war continued on

16 Upheaval in Russia Lenin, the Bolsheviks and the November Revolution
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Causes Russian Civil War Results in Soviet Union Lenin comes back to Russia from Germany, overthrows government, establishes Bolshevik control, ends war w/ treaty of Brest-Litovsk

17 The US Enters the War Growing economic support for allies, German submarine warfare sinking of Lusitania

18 The Spanish flu (influena)
Killed more people than the war. Holy crap. That’s insane.

19 Wilson’s 14 points Highlights: Open (not secret) diplomatic agreements
Freedom of the seas Removal of trade barriers Agreements to reduce arms SELF DETERMINATION Represents some pretty serious idealism on Wilson’s part

20 League of Nations Good idea, not ultimately successful b/c it didn’t have any power to enforce resolutions and key players (ie US) never joined

21 Treaty of Versailles What were the conditions of the treaty?
How did it set the stage for WWII? Placed blame for war on the Germans (war guilt clause), set up reparations payments

22 The Mandate system Colonies/territories of central powers (Ottomans in particular) divvied up to be governed by various allied powers by League of Nations.

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