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Chapter 19.1 “The War to End all Wars”. THE GREAT WAR.

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1 Chapter 19.1 “The War to End all Wars”


3 LONG-TERM CAUSES OF WWI Militarism Alliance System Imperialism Nationalism

4 MILITARISM Need to develop stronger armies than potential enemies Increased military budgets/development of armed forces Germany built up army with draft system Britain relied on strong navy Germany, France, Italy, & Japan joined naval arms race

5 MILITARY BUILDUP Mobilization: time to activate armies for battle, 48 hrs to 5 days depending on country

6 ALLIANCE SYSTEM Triple Alliance (1882) Austria Hungary, Germany, and Italy Triple Entente (1907) Britain, France, and Russia



9 ALLIANCES Allied Powers Great Britain, France Belgium, Serbia Montenegro Russia Japan (1914) U.S. (1917) Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire (1914) Bulgaria (1915)

10 IMPERIALISM Stronger nations controlling weaker lands through military, economic or political means Countries sought natural resources and new markets Colonies brought prestige to countries

11 NATIONALISM Belief that national interests should be placed ahead of global cooperation Franco-Prussian War (1871): France lost Alsace & Lorraine to Prussia (Germany) Russia claimed to be the protector of Europe’s Slavs (Serbia) Serbia controlled by Austria-Hungary

12 IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF THE WAR Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, killed by Serbian nationalist (Gavrilo Princip) Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary Germany declared war on Russia and France Great Britain declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary

13 ASSASSINATION OF ARCHDUKE ew/Assassin-of-Archduke-Franz-Ferdinand- Gavrilo-Princip ew/Assassin-of-Archduke-Franz-Ferdinand- Gavrilo-Princip 28440c 28440c

14 ARCHDUKE FRANZ FERDINAND Assassinated on June 28, 1914

15 FIGHTING BEGINS Germany invaded Belgium on Aug. 4, 1914 on the way to Paris Ended nearly 100 years of relative peace in Europe

16 EUROPE Militarism Nationalism Alliances Imperialism Secret Treaties Geography Economic Rivalry/ Trade Barriers Power Politics Lack of International Organization Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand EXPLOSIVE CAUSES OF WORLD WAR I

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