Stages of the Writing Process

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Presentation on theme: "Stages of the Writing Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stages of the Writing Process

2 1. Prewrite: - Generate ideas and figure out what and how you think 2. Draft: Allow your ideas to take shape Form a coherent and organized rough draft that starts to express your point Keep your audience in mind

3 3. Reader Response: 4. Revise:
- Share your work with others for the purpose of getting feedback on the content 4. Revise: Re-see or re-think your writing Look at your work again for improvements and clarifications Finish with a clear and complete piece in relation to your ideas

4 7. Self – Evaluate/Reflect:
5. Edit: After revisions, check your paper for mechanical correctness. Editors check for errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. 6. Final Draft/Publish: Present it to your audience 7. Self – Evaluate/Reflect: Document what you learned, set future goals


6 AUDIENCE CANEDUIE Other students College admission officers
Family members Other teachers The general public A scholarship committee The school board or city council Others: __________________

7 SUPERPO PURPOSE To persuade To inform To pass along family stories
To demonstrate understanding To entertain To explain Others: __________________

8 MORF FORM essay letter story poem diary article
others: __________________


10 Introduction (1 or more paragraphs) Opening Sentences
capture your reader’s attention (“hook” or “grabber”); introduce general topic, then narrow to subject; provide background information on topic or materials used, etc.

11 B. Thesis answer to the question asked; statement of point to be proven (usually a single sentence); focuses essay; offers insight C. Forecast a sentence or sentences indicating the subtopics that will follow.

12 Remember that the introductory paragraph is the reader's first glimpse of you and your topic. You want to make a good impression.

13 II. Body (Each supporting paragraph of the body should contain the following:)
Topic Sentence identifies subject of paragraph and relates it to thesis and essay; develops the essay B. Analysis of Topic Sentence explains topic sentence

14 C. Evidence/Interpretation of Evidence
a statement or example that further strengthens the topic sentence a situation or probable result D. Anchor final sentence of paragraph that connects one paragraph to the next Refreshes reader’s mind about purpose or value of essay

15 III. Conclusion Summary/ Intensified Insight
(1 or more paragraphs) Summary/ Intensified Insight brief restatement or rephrasing of thesis Brief reminder of the points raised in the essay A statement that deepens the idea of the thesis (without opening new topics) “food for thought”


17 *Try to avoid the "so-as-you-can-see" ending and the "in conclusion my thesis statement proves that" or "states that" ending.

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