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 You will have 5 minutes to reflect and write about your rough draft:  What went well in writing a rough draft of you literary analysis paper?  What.

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2  You will have 5 minutes to reflect and write about your rough draft:  What went well in writing a rough draft of you literary analysis paper?  What is your biggest challenge in this process?  What are some questions you have preparing to edit and compose a final draft?

3  Who was successful in one aspect of their rough draft? Any tips on how you did it?  Who was challenged by aspects of the writing process? What are some solutions to these challenges?  Any questions?

4  After your topic has been introduced in the introduction and discussed in the body paragraphs, it is a good idea to wrap it up in a conclusion paragraph.  Before beginning to write your conclusion, reread your introduction a few times. Good conclusions bring the reader full circle by tying together the beginning and the end.  Just like in oyur introduction you should restate the main ideas of your essay.

5  First, wrap up your evidence:  Remind the reader (briefly) what your evidence was and how it proves your thesis statement.  Draw a conclusion from your exploration of your topic or invite your reader to think further:  Is there a larger, take-home message the reader should have by now? If there is, say it plain English.  Reaffirm you thesis statement in new words. Remind the reader what the point of your paper was one last time in different phrasing.

6  Things to avoid:  Avoid simply repeating your introductory paragraph. The introduction and conclusion have different jobs so need to look and feel different.  Avoid phrases like: “Now you know about Romeo and Juliet, ” “Thanks for reading,” or “That’s what I have to say about fate.”  Avoid one sentence paragraphs. Get creative! Your conclusion should be about as long as your introduction paragraph and contain similar information.

7 Please keep these conclusion conventions in mind as we transition to peer editing and as you construct your final drafts.

8  A peer is someone your own age.  Editing means making suggestions, comments, compliments, and changes to writing.  Peer Editing means working with someone your own age, usually a classmate to help improve, revise, and edit his or her writing.

9  There are three important steps to remember when peer editing:  Step 1: Compliments  Step 2: Suggestions  Step 3: Corrections

10  Stay Positive!  The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Tell your peer what they did well:  I loved your topic  You used great details  I liked when you used the word ______  My favorite was ______ because…  This was fun to read because…

11  Give the author some specific suggestions about how to make the composition better.  Stay positive and be specific!  Instead of saying: “It didn’t make sense,” say, “If you added more detail in this sentence it would be clearer.”  Instead of, “Your word choice is boring,” say, “Instead of using the word good, us the word exceptional. ”

12  Here are some topics you might want to make suggestions about:  Word Choice  Using Details  Thesis Statement  Organization  Sentences  Topic

13  Check your peer’s paper for  Spelling mistakes  Grammar mistakes  Missing/incorrect punctuation  Incomplete/Run-on sentences

14  10 minutes to work on “Peer Edit Practice” handout individually.  5 minutes of small group discussion to answer any questions or concerns.  This will be collected at the end of the period

15  You will now be editing one another’s rough drafts you completed for homework.  “Peer Editing Romeo & Juliet” half-sheet handout  Pass your draft along with a Peer Editing half-sheet to a classmate with your name listed as Author.  Follow directions  Remember, stay positive  Finish Peer Edit Practice if you get through two rough drafts. Turn in whatever is finished.

16  Edit your rough draft, using your peer edit sheet. A Final Draft will be due next period, along with rough draft, and peer edit half- sheet.  Final Draft  Rough Draft  Peer edit half-sheet

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