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Introduction, Body, and Conclusion

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1 Introduction, Body, and Conclusion
Mini Essay Introduction, Body, and Conclusion

2 Introductory Paragraph
Hook – a statement, quote, phrase, or word that grabs the audience’s attention General Ideas – ideas that speak to the topic without getting into specific details or textual evidence Thesis Statement – Located at the end of the introductory paragraph, this statement captures the major ideas your essay attempts to explain, defend, or prove.

3 Body Main Point Located at the beginning of each body paragraph
Mini-thesis statements that are more focused and specific to a part of the body paragraphs.

4 Body (continued) Transition Words – words that connect sentences and ideas. See for examples. Lead-in Sentences – introduces textual support Examples: Drexler further explains the effects of technology as she states… Similarly, Collins agrees with these effects, claiming….

5 Body (continued) Analysis
Always relate your analysis to the claims in your thesis statement. This is important to a avoid a thesis statement/body disconnect An effective analysis does not explain what the textual support means, but rather, it explains the textual support’s significance to the Main Point and/or Thesis Statement.

6 Concluding Paragraph Restatement, not a repeat, of the thesis statement Restatement, not a repeat, of the major points No new points should be made in the concluding paragraph. The last couple of sentences should answer the question: what now? In other words, how should the reader transform after reading your paper? What philosophical, real-world, or universal connection did you make in your paper?

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