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DECEMBER 3, 2015 Turn in Vocab Vocab Quiz

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1 DECEMBER 3, 2015 Turn in Vocab Vocab Quiz
Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations notes

2 What do all these things have in common?
Number 0, corn, llama, calendar, architecture, medicine, bridges, terraced farming, tomatoes, potatoes,


4 Geography of Mesoamerica
Located in Mexico and Central America Warm and tropical climate Bordered by the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea/Gulf of Mexico Geography made for limited contact Lowlands West borders Pacific Ocean, fertile plain Yucatan Peninsula Cenotes (excavated caverns) for water in east Highlands granite and volcanic area of Sierra Madre (Mexican Chiapas, Guatemala, Honduras) Rich land, abundant water Concentrated settlement

5 The Mayans Flourished from 300-900 AD Complex agricultural society
Grew maize, beans, squash, tomatoes Established large city-states such as Chichen Itza, Copan, and Tikal

6 Mayan Religion Very important in everyday life
Focused on human sacrifice to ensure bountiful harvests and victories in battle Built large pyramids for sacrifice and worship Polytheistic

7 Mayan Society Caste society Pok-a-Tok (Ball Game)
Ruling Chief Nobles Merchants and Artisans Farmers (most people were farmers) Pok-a-Tok (Ball Game) Pierced ears, tattoos, body painting, straight black hair Large headdress for importance

8 Mayan Economy Goods from the highlands were traded with those from the lowlands Barter system Transported by man, no large animals

9 Mayan achievements Developed a system of writing
Created an accurate calendar Established numbering system that included zero Astronomy


11 Mayan Leaders Treated as gods Dynastic rule
Each leader built a temple to show their power Famous leaders Pakal of Palenque Yik’in Chan K’awiil

12 Geography of Aztecs More interior
Capital at Tenochtitlan (modern day Mexico City)

13 Aztec Civilization Nomadic tribe that settled in the Valley of Mexico around 1400 AD Many competing small empires war ends in 1428 Triple Alliance (Texcoco, Tlacopan, and Tenochtitlan) Empire lasts from Home to roughly 1.25 million people

14 Tenochtitlan

15 Mexico City today

16 Agriculture Chinampas: “floating” crop islands

17 Economy/Trade Large markets in every city state
Surplus goods traded at markets Conquered people and made them pay tribute

18 Religion Polytheistic Center of everyday life
Based on human blood sacrifice World would not function without sacrifice Prisoners of war, maidens, youths

19 Main Gods Huitzilopoctli: God of Sun
Human sacrifice ensured the sun would rise every day Tlaloc: God of Rain

20 Architecture

21 Geography of Incan Empire
Extended along the Andes Mountains in South America High elevation, steep terrain

22 The Incan Empire Reached its peak in the early 1500’s
Existed from 1000 AD-1560’s AD Empire expanded over 2,000 miles Controlled over 12 million people

23 Society Society was very stable and organized
Ruled by an emperor who had absolute power He also acted as religious leader Son of the Sun God Forced conquered peoples to assimilate The 2nd highest tier of the population were the local governors (collected taxes), Coya (religious leaders) and Nobles

24 Agriculture Terraced farming Farmed corn, potatoes, coffee, and grain

25 Religion Polytheistic Offered food, clothing and drink
Some sacrifice, not as much as Aztecs Sun God of Inti

26 Incan Cities Cuzco Capital city Machu Picchu Most well preserved city

27 Achievements Elaborate system of roads Domesticated the Llama
Terraced farming Communication/record keeping Quipus: Knotted ropes Excelled in medicine Expertise in metal works



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