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The French Revolution “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”

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1 The French Revolution “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
Bell ringers 5 points each.

2 #1 French Society before the revolution: “The Ancien Regime”
France was ruled by a king who had total power over the government and the people. French society was divided into 3 social classes or estates: (use your fingers!) Clergy Nobles Commoners

3 #2 Cause #1: MONEY PROBLEMS $$$
Debt and Taxes France Borrowed money to fight the English in American revolution France Borrowed Money to fight in the French and Indian War The King raised taxes on the biggest estate, the commoners The commoners are MAD! A Commoner (Third Estate) Carrying the Nobility and Clergy on his back Trois Ordres by M. P. 1789 The Gabelle: Tax on salt! Super hated by the Commoners Effect Cause

4 #3 Cause #2 Famine and Bread and the Great Fear
A famine occurs –worst ever and the price of bread skyrockets! People are hungry and starving and start to attack nobles… No food! The commoners are MAD! Effect Cause

5 4. Cause 3 Changes in Culture
Blindly following the king is challenged by…. The Enlightenment thinkers! Voltaire-Freedom of religion, speech and thought Locke-Natural rights to Life, Liberty and Property and the right to rebel! Hobbes-The Social Contract Rousseau- Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains Montesquieu-Separation of power! Checks and balances Wollstonecraft-Girl Power!

6 Cause 4 Louis XVI A weak monarch
Unable to make decisions. Weak and ineffective. Strongly influenced by his wife…..Marie Antoinette



9 Event #1 The Estates General 1789
Hadn’t been called since The financial problems of the French made this necessary, buuuuuuttttt…. Each estate only had 1 vote. The Clergy had a vote, the Nobles had a vote and the Peasants Commoners had a vote. The 1st and 2nd estate voted together to outvote the 3rd estate. The 3rd estate is MAD! The 3rd estate is BIG and refuses to meet with the other 2 estates

10 Event 2 The third estate declares: NATIONAL ASSEMBLY and the Tennis Court Oath
King Louis said –you can’t do that! 3rd estate says— King Locks them out! They meet at a Tennis Court and insist and swear oaths they will meet until they get recognized.


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