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Indo-Aryans (Aryans) Group of people with common language, ancestry

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Presentation on theme: "Indo-Aryans (Aryans) Group of people with common language, ancestry"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indo-Aryans (Aryans) Group of people with common language, ancestry
Migrated into India, Persia Iran adopted its name from Aryan

2 Empires of India

3 Religion: Hinduism Founder: Sacred Book/Writings: Basic Beliefs
None specifically Sacred Book/Writings: Vedas & Upanishads Basic Beliefs Caste System Karma Reincarnation One god, but many forms of that god

4 Caste System Priests Nobilities/Rulers Merchants/Skilled Workers
Laborers Untouchables What is a negative impact of the caste system? What is a positive impact of the caste system?

5 Karma Knowledge that all thought and actions result in future consequences What you think and what you do impacts what happens in your life.

6 Reincarnation Rebirth or reborn again Based on Karma
What happens if you have good karma? What happens if you have bad karma?

7 Spread of Hinduism Spreads throughout India
How do you think the religion spreads to people throughout India?

8 Mauryan Empire From:

9 Buddhism Founder: Siddhartha Gautama Basic Beliefs: The Buddha
Four Noble Truths Eightfold Path NO Caste system!

10 Four Noble Truths Life means suffering
The origin of suffering is attachment The cessation of suffering is attainable The path to the cessation of suffering (the Eightfold Path)

11 Eightfold Path Right View Right Intention Right Speech Right Action
Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration

12 Buddhism Spreads Throughout India, to China, and Southeast Asia Asoka
Missionary Spreads Buddhism

13 The Gupta Empire Take from:

14 Gupta Empire Golden Age Classical Indian Culture

15 Gupta Empire Contributions: Mathematics (concept of zero)
Medical Advances (set bones) Astronomy ( concept of earth as round) New Textiles (woven material such as cloth) Literature

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