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FMP concept.

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1 FMP concept

2 Genre: My magazine genre will be based on health and lifestyle. Within the two feature articles on will be about healthy eating and the other will be about some of the different ways to be active. Examples of being active: running/walking/climbing etc. (print version) Examples of Heathy eating: video/photo essay on how to make a meal and the benefits of that meal. (online version)

3 Target audience My FMP is aimed at young adults who have an interest in staying healthy and lifestyle.

4 Language and formality
Throughout my feature articles the writing will be formal as anyone with an interest can read the magazine however I will not make it too formal as young adults wont find it that interesting to read.

5 Images/ video/audio content
In both articles I will include images of food and different exercises and scenes. Healthy food Pictures of gyms, places to walk such as Langsett damn, Riverlin Park etc. As well as this I will also include a video on how to make a healthy meal .

6 Layout and design (Print)
My front cover for my print magazine will look similar to these magazines. This is because they look bright and colorful which is useful as it will appeal to young adults. My features on the print magazine will be placed into two columns. So that I know how many columns I will need before I start making the piece I will write the feature article first.

7 Layout and design (online)
Like the print the online magazine will have the same color scheme so that it appeals to young adults again. The feature article however I will I put it into one column as it will look more engaging for the reader as they scroll through.

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