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Why Should I Listen to YOU?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Should I Listen to YOU?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Should I Listen to YOU?
Ethos Why Should I Listen to YOU?

2 Ethos Ethos is greek for “character”
Rhetors (people who use rhetoric) use it to demonstrate that they are credible and trustworthy. Appeals to ethos emphasize shared values between speaker and audience Sometimes, a rhetors’ reputation immediately establishes ethos In other instances, the speaker brings ethos to the text by sounding reasonable, acknowledging other opinions, or being thoughtful and well informed. An audience is more willing to listen when the rhetors ethos includes the following: expertise, knowledge, experience, and common purpose with the audience.

3 Automatic ethos The King’s Speech (September 3, 1939)
The very fact that he is king gives him a certain degree of automatic ethos to speak on the subject of war. Let’s read it  Think about how else King George VI works to establish ethos. Think of the following: Expertise Knowledge Sincerity Common purpose with the audience

4 So what if you’re not a king (most of us aren’t)
If you’re not a king, you must establish ethos by explaining credentials or background to your readers, or by emphasizing shared values. You are more willing to listen to someone who has experience on the subject in which they speak/write. Read excerpt from “The Myth of the Latin Woman” by Judith Ortiz Cofer How does she establish ethos? Think about the following: -Expertise -Knowledge -Experience -Sincerity -Common purpose with the audience


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