Psychological Perspectives

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Presentation on theme: "Psychological Perspectives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychological Perspectives
A Quick Overview

2 Psychodynamic Unconscious urges (forces/instincts) play a role in our behavior Very different than others Popularized/influenced by Freud

3 Learning/Behaviorism
How environment and experiences affect our actions conditioning Psych=science… so has to stick to what you can observe Behaviorism Pavlov, Skinner, Bandura

4 Biological Focuses on how bodily events (like genes, hormones, nervous system) affect behaviors, feelings, and thoughts (in combination with our environment). Nature vs. Nurture Innate quality vs. external forces/experience?

5 cognitive Study of thoughts, memories, beliefs, perceptions, explanations, etc. to see how they affect people’s behaviors Studies involving sleeping, hypnosis, memory, dreaming. Perception, language Very strong force today

6 Sociocultural How do cultural values/political systems/social structures affect our everyday experiences and behaviors? Study: influence of groups, submission to authority, gender roles, relationships, etc. Another dominant force in psychology

7 Evolutionary Looks at biological mechanisms that affect our choices/survival Things that seem to be universal must be adaptive in nature Universal emotions Common traits when choosing a mate

8 Humanist Says psych. Is too pessimistic and mindless….we need to focus on human hopes and aspirations Goal: to help people reach their full potential Maslow, Rogers Now…most see it as a life philosophy rather than a science

9 Feminist Showed biases in research…
Focused mainly on white men…too narrow of data Got topics like menstruation, motherhood, female sexuality on the playing field

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