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What is Psychology? chapter 1. Overview The science of psychology What psychologists do chapter 1.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Psychology? chapter 1. Overview The science of psychology What psychologists do chapter 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Psychology? chapter 1

2 Overview The science of psychology What psychologists do chapter 1


4 The Science of Psychology The discipline concerned with? Symbolized with a chapter 1

5 Psychology, pseudoscience, and common sense Psuedoscoence- Empirical- Why is it not just common sense? chapter 1

6 The Birth of Modern Psychology Wilhelm Wundt-

7 Psychology’s past Two early psychologies 1) 2) chapter 1

8 Functionalism Early approach that emphasized the function or purpose of behavior and consciousness Interested in how and why something happens Functionalists broadened field of psychology to include the study of children, animals, religious experiences, and stream of consciousness chapter 1

9 Psychoanalysis A theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy, originally formulated by? Emphasizes? 2 Things 1) 2) chapter 1

10 Your turn Who setup the first psychological lab in Leipzig, Germany in 1879? 1.William James 2.Charles Darwin 3.Wilhelm Wundt 4.Sigmund Freud

11 Your turn The first field of psychology to ask why people have consciousness was: 1. Behaviorism 2. Phrenology 3. Psychoanalysis 4. Functionalism chapter 1

12 Major Psychological perspectives Biological perspective Learning perspective Cognitive perspective Sociocultural perspective Psychodynamic perspective chapter 1

13 The biological perspective Psychological approach that focuses on? This perspective involves Hormones Brain chemistry Heredity Evolutionary influences chapter 1

14 The learning perspective Psychological approach that emphasizes? This perspective involves Behaviorism- Social-cognitive learning-

15 The cognitive perspective Psychological approach that emphasizes? chapter 1

16 The sociocultural perspective Psychological approach that emphasizes? This perspective involves Social psychology or the study of rules, roles, groups, and relationships Cultural psychology or the study of cultural norms, values, and expectations The Fish Analogy? chapter 1

17 The psychodynamic perspective Psychological approach that emphasizes? This perspective involves Unconscious thoughts, desires, conflicts Why is it the “thumb” on the hand of psychology? chapter 1

18 Humanist psychology Psychological approach that emphasizes? rather than the scientific understanding of behavior This approach Rejected behaviorism and psychoanalysis Emphasized creativity and achieving potential chapter 1

19 Your turn The psychological perspective that emphasizes mental processes in perception, memory, language, problem solving, and other areas of behavior: 1. Biological perspective 2. Learning perspective 3. Cognitive perspective 4. Psychodynamic perspective 5. Sociocultural perspective chapter 1

20 Your turn The psychological perspective that emphasizes social and cultural influences on behavior. 1. Biological perspective 2. Learning perspective 3. Cognitive perspective 4. Psychodynamic perspective 5. Sociocultural perspective chapter 1

21 Your turn The psychological perspective that emphasizes bodily events such as hormones, genes, and evolution affect behavior, feelings, and thoughts. 1. Biological perspective 2. Learning perspective 3. Cognitive perspective 4. Psychodynamic perspective 5. Sociocultural perspective chapter 1

22 Your turn The psychological perspective that emphasizes the “unconscious,” psychological causes of people’s behavior is: 1. Biological perspective 2. Learning perspective 3. Cognitive perspective 4. Psychodynamic perspective 5. Sociocultural perspective chapter 1

23 What Psychologist Do

24 Psychological research Research in areas of basic or applied psychology Basic- Applied- chapter 1

25 Psychological practice Practitioners account for? Counseling psychologists help people deal with? School psychologists work with? Clinical psychologists? Education needed? chapter 1

26 Psychological practice Psychotherapist? Degree Psychoanalyst? Degree

27 Psychological practice Psychiatrist? Degree Similarity between psychologist/psychiatrist? Difference?

28 Psychologists in other settings Sports Consumer issues Advertising Organizational problems Environmental issues Public policy Opinion polls Military training Animal behavior Legal issues chapter 1

29 Your turn What type of psychology seek knowledge for its own sake rather than for its practical application: 1. Clinical Psychologists 2. Psychoanalysts 3. Basic Psychology 4. Applied Psychology 5. Psychiatrist chapter 1

30 Your turn What type of psychology study issues that have direct practical significance: 1. Clinical Psychologists 2. Psychoanalysts 3. Basic Psychology 4. Applied Psychology 5. Psychiatrist chapter 1

31 Your turn These practitioners who diagnose, treat, and study mental or emotional problems: 1. Clinical Psychologists 2. Psychoanalysts 3. Basic Psychology 4. Applied Psychology 5. Psychiatrist chapter 1

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