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Components of fitness 10aadp.

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1 Components of fitness 10aadp

2 The components OF FITNESS
Flexibility Strength Speed Muscular Endurance Co-ordination Power Agility Balance Body composition Cardiorvascular Endurance

3 Cardiorespiratory endurance
Components of fitness We further divide these into 2 categories. Health related Skill related Cardiorespiratory endurance Body composition Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Speed Agility Balance Power Co-ordination Technique

4 speed Speed is simply defined as the greatest distance covered in the shortest amount of time. Start, acceleration, maintenance. 100m sprint.

5 power Maximum application of strength within a short burst movement.
How quickly can you move this weight form here to here. Shot put

6 Strength The body's ability to produce force or effort.
This does not mean how big you muscles are. Bench press.

7 Muscular endurance The ability to maintain an effort or contraction for a long period of time. Distance running. Continuous press ups

8 Co ordination The ability to combine all COF to get a desired result.
Cricket Baseball Mountain Biking

9 BALANCE Be able to control the body's position either stationary or moving. Gymnastics

10 Flexibility Extended range of motion beyond normal.
Normally seen in gymnasts and swimmers

11 agility A series of explosive movements in different directions.
All sports

12 Body composition Percentage of fat on an athletes body. 25% female

13 Cardio vascular endurance
Body’s ability to provide the working muscles with blood. How well the body uses this blood.

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