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May 16, 2018 Check Review HW Evaluate the effectiveness of Reconstruction. Describe the court case of Plessy v. Ferguson. HW – Study for Reconstruction.

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Presentation on theme: "May 16, 2018 Check Review HW Evaluate the effectiveness of Reconstruction. Describe the court case of Plessy v. Ferguson. HW – Study for Reconstruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 16, 2018 Check Review HW Evaluate the effectiveness of Reconstruction. Describe the court case of Plessy v. Ferguson. HW – Study for Reconstruction Quiz -Friday. Core 2 – re-do option at lunch.

2 Bell Ringer: What is this? What does it mean?

3 Bell Ringer – What is this? What does it mean?

4 Impeachment of Andrew Johnson:

5 Presidential Secession:
James Buchannan (PA) Abraham Lincoln (Assassinated) Andrew Johnson (Impeached) Ulysses S. Grant (Military Hero/second term scandals) Rutherford B. Hayes (“Ruther FRAUD”)

6 What are BLACK CODES?

7 Jim Crow Laws - laws passed by southerners to segregate public places, such as schools, restaurants, theaters, trains, hospitals, water fountains, and cemeteries. The "Jim Crow" figure was a fixture of the minstrel shows that toured the South; a white man made up as a black man sang and mimicked stereotypical behavior in the name of comedy.

8 Sample Jim Crow Laws Florida: The schools for white children and the schools for negro children shall be conducted separately. Virginia: Any public hall, theatre, opera house, motion picture show or place of public entertainment which is attended by both white and colored persons shall separate the white race and the colored race. Maryland: All railroad companies are hereby required to provide separate cars or coaches for the travel and transportation of the white and colored passengers. Louisiana: Any person...who shall rent any part of any such building to a negro person or a negro family when such building is already in whole or in part in occupancy by a white person or white family shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Florida: All marriages between a white person and a negro, or between a white person and a person of negro descent to the fourth generation inclusive, are hereby forever prohibited.

9 A Focus on Plessy VS. Ferguson
Plessy vs. Ferguson was later found to be unconstitutional through a new court case YEARS later called Brown VS. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. rownvsboardofeducationoftopeka/



12 Separate is NOT equal!






18 Ticket Out Create a list of pros and cons for the Reconstruction Era (at least five in each)

19 Evaluate Reconstruction

20 The Dark Side of Reconstruction:
Some examples of Jim Crow laws are the segregation of public schools, public places, and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants, and drinking fountains for whites and blacks. The U.S. military was also segregated. Jim Crow Laws Segregate

21 The Dark Side of Reconstruction:
These codes granted African Americans certain rights, such as legalized marriage, ownership of property, and limited access to the courts—but denied them the rights to testify against whites, to serve on juries or in state militias, or to vote, and express legal concern publicly. Some also declared that those who failed to sign yearly labor contracts could be arrested and hired out to white landowners. Black Codes MOSTLY took rights away from Blacks.

22 The Dark Side of Reconstruction:
Sharecropping was a way for freedman to work on the land and be paid for it. The landowner provided land, housing (a shack), tools and seed, and perhaps a mule, and a local merchant loaned money for food and supplies. At harvest time the sharecropper received a share of the crop (from one-third to one- half), which paid off his debt to the merchant. By the late 1860s white farmers also became sharecroppers Sharecroppers were tied to the land… Could be Black or White.. Often lived like slaves…

23 The Dark Side of Reconstruction:
Southern whites who formed a Republican coalition with black freemen and Northern newcomers (called carpetbaggers) to take control of their state and local governments. Scalawags (Southerners) and Carpetbaggers (Northerners) were often run out of town.

24 The Dark Side of Reconstruction
The first Klan was founded in 1865 by six veterans of the Confederate Army. The name means circle, suggesting a circle or band of brothers. The KKK (KU KLUX KLAN) Used fear/violence to keep Blacks and Republicans from making gains for Black Rights.

25 May 16, 2018 Check and discuss review HW
Define sharecropper, Grandfather Clause, Jim Crow Laws and segregation. HW – STUDY!!! Quiz Friday on Reconstruction



28 Plessy v. Ferguson - The Supreme Court ruled that segregation was legal as long as facilities were “separate but equal”. This cause came on to be heard on the transcript of the record from the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana, and was argued by counsel. On consideration whereof, It is now here ordered and adjudged by this Court that the judgement of the said Supreme Court, in this cause, be and the same is hereby, affirmed with costs.

29 Separate is NOT equal!








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