Development of Feudalism

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1 Development of Feudalism

2 Middle Ages After collapse of Rome in 500 B.C. there was a 1000 years known as the middle ages. Consisted of many small kingdoms that often fought each other.

3 Geography of Europe Europe covers 1/5th of the Eurasian land mass.
Borders Atlantic on west, Arctic on North, and Mediterranean Sea on the South.

4 Geography of Europe Separated from Asia by Ural mountains.
Contains lots of rivers. Very diverse topography.

5 Climate and Vegetation
North is cool with harsh winters. South warm with mild winters. Vegetation Thriving agriculture due to plenty of rainfall. Favorable topography (favorable land).

6 Culture changes After fall of Rome their was lots of small kingdoms with no one unifying government. Kingdoms were called Germanic groups/kingdoms. Each group had their own rules and had no unifying laws.

7 Education No scholarly learning. People didn’t go to school.
Not many people could read or write. Didn’t know their history. Trade and big cities disappeared causing people to move to the country and fend for themselves.

8 Christianity One of the only things to survive fall of Rome was the early Christian church. Most people converted to Christianity. Franks played big role in strengthening Christianity.

9 Clovis Clovis converted to Christianity and so did most of his subjects which consisted of his kingdom which is now known as France.

10 Monasteries Devote worshippers built religious structures known as monasteries. Follower called monks practiced life of pray and worship. Studied Christian works and made copies of the Bible. Wanted to preserve and promote beliefs of Christianity.

11 Monasteries

12 Charlemagne Clovis’s great grandson.
Built an empire greater then any known since ancient Rome. Ruled much of western Europe. Established laws to keep order. Created Counts to make sure things were run smoothly and would often check on them. Extremely religious and spread Christianity.

13 Feudalism Charlemagne’s 3 grandsons fought for control of European empire. Split it in to 3 parts which caused chaos. Other groups like Vikings and Muslims raided and plunder during the chaos. Europe became a place of conflict and war.

14 Feudalism During the violent period those in power created a political and social system called feudalism. Feudalism- a way kings and nobles can hold on to the land. Lords- powerful nobles that owned land. Serfs- People who lived and work on the land belonging to the lords.


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