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Chapter 18 Cold War Conflicts.

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1 Chapter 18 Cold War Conflicts

2 Cold War The state of hostility, without direct military conflict, that developed between the U.S. and Soviet Union after World War II. 12/2/2018

3 Brinkmanship The practice of threatening an enemy with massive military retaliation for any aggression. 12/2/2018

4 Blacklist A list of 500 actors, writers, producers, and directors who were not allowed to work on Hollywood films because of their alleged Communist connections. 12/2/2018

5 Berlin Airlift A 327-day operation in which the U.S. and British planes flew food and supplies into West Berlin after the Soviets blockaded the city in 1948. 12/2/2018

6 Eisenhower Doctrine A U.S. commitment to defend the Middle East against attack by any communist country. 12/2/2018

7 Iron Curtain A phrase used by Winston Churchill in 1946 to describe an imaginary line that separated Communist countries in Soviet bloc of Eastern Europe from countries in Western Europe. 12/2/2018

8 Satellite Nation A country that is dominated politically and economically by another nation. 12/2/2018

9 Containment The blocking of another nation’s attempts to spread its influence. 12/2/2018

10 Marshall Plan A program proposed in which the United States supplied economic aid to European nations to help them rebuild after World War II. 12/2/2018

11 Truman Doctrine A U.S. policy which provided economic and military aid to free nations threatened by external or internal opponents. 12/2/2018

12 Warsaw Pact A military alliance formed in 1955 by the Soviet Union and its Eastern European satellites. 12/2/2018

13 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
A defensive military alliance formed in 1949 by ten Western European countries, the United States and Canada. 12/2/2018

14 Subjugation Bringing under control. 12/2/2018

15 Chiang Kai-shek Chinese Nationalist leader. 12/2/2018

16 Mao Zedong Leader of Communist China. 12/2/2018

17 Taiwan An active trading partner with the United States. But no country who wants diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China can have diplomatic relations with this country. 12/2/2018

18 38th Parallel Divides North and South Korea. 12/2/2018

19 Amphibious Capable of traveling both on land and water. 12/2/2018

20 Conspirator A person who takes part in secretly planning something unlawful. 12/2/2018

21 Demilitarize To ban military forces in an area or region. 12/2/2018

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