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Term 3 Expectations and information

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1 Term 3 Expectations and information

2 Rules Respect Positive Attitude Be Prepared

3 Respect Me and my stuff When I am talking you are not Don’t touch my stuff or enter my space unless I give permission. Other students Work with who you are assigned Don’t steal, hide, or take others property The school and school property No leaning on chairs, sitting on tables, throwing things, etc. Clean up after yourselves. Yourself

4 Positive attitude NO whining and complaining. Do your best work. Just be Positive

5 Be Prepared Come to class everyday with something to write with (No red pens). Leave a composition notebook in the files. Bring all assignments notes etc. everyday. Turn in assignments on time and check your grades regularly.

6 Procedures Everyday we will have a do now Immediately when you come in Write the Date, Question, and Answer everyday. Turn assignments into the box Correct class period Late assignments will be docked points (20% per day) I will not grade late assignments you will on your time.

7 Procedures Continued When moving into groups or back to chairs do so quickly without wasting time. Work until the bell rings Do not line up at door. Tuck your chairs in and straighten up tables before you leave

8 How to succeed in this class
Turn in your work on time and complete it. Check board for assignments You will NOT be eligible for extra credit unless all assignments, quizzes and tests are turned in. Study for the tests and quizzes Retake quizzes and tests Do extra credit

9 Students Grade and number of missing assignments

10 Other information You can retake quizzes and tests
Maximum score on retake is 90% You will be allowed to use the hall pass twice. After that you will not be allowed to use it. Unused hall passes will become extra credit at the end of the term. 10 pts. Each Only if all assignments are turned in. Other extra credit Science articles 2 pts each Bring in lab supplies Maximum extra credit is 30 pts One grade raise

11 Other information continued
Update your personal information I update my blog every couple of days. The textbook is online Login SOJH Password spartans1 We will also be using weber online and utips You can put work in your folders.

12 Do your best. Don’t be lazy be a champions

13 Write one paragraph on what it means to succeed.
Write a second paragraph on how you are going to succeed this term.

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