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The Enlightenment Age of Reason

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1 The Enlightenment Age of Reason
Late 1600’s-1700s

2 Origins of the Enlightenment
Goal of the Enlightenment was to reform society through reason Enlightenment thinkers began to view the world scientifically and rationally rather than religiously Enlightenment thinkers become known as philosophes An attempt to explain God’s involvement in the world through observations of nature Support of “rational” religion free of miracles and mysteries

3 Rise of Deism Deism- belief in the existence of God through the observation of the real world No need for an organized religion around God Deists believed that God had no involvement in every day life

4 Thomas Hobbes English philosopher & Enlightenment thinker
Hobbes developed the Social Contract theory Humans struggle for self-preservation Self Preservation- Protecting self from harm or destruction People agree to give government unlimited power as long as they provide peace and stability People agree to this so government can preserve order

5 Impact of Thomas Hobbes
Hobbes supported the idea of a Constitution to help govern Constitution is a plan of government US Constitution creates a government that preserves order and stability for the nation NC Constitution does the same for the state and local governments

6 John Locke John Locke- English philosopher
Locke supported the idea of Natural Rights All persons born with rights of life, liberty and property Government created to protect these rights

7 Impact of Locke’s Work Declaration of Independence – preamble states “all men created equal, and are endowed by their creator with unalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness Bill of Rights Declaration of Rights of Man (France)

8 Montesquieu French Enlightenment Thinker
He studied governments and found 3: despotism, republic, monarchy Despotism- single entity rules with absolute power (could be a single person or a group) Most effective form of government is one where power divided between persons or branches Divided powers are used to check the power of government to minimize abuse

9 Impact of Montesquieu Separation of powers 2. Checks and powers
- US and NC governments have three branches: legislative, executive and judicial 2. Checks and powers - each branch uses powers to check other branches EX: Congress passes law, President can veto, Supreme Court can rule the law as unconstitutional

10 Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Enlightenment thinker from Geneva (Switzerland) Laws and government exist to protect property…so how do people regain their freedom from government? Accept the “general will” of the people- contract with other members of society Liberty achieved by accepting what most people think is best Rousseau believed, in government, the majority rules! - lawmaking elections

11 Voltaire Voltaire was a French Enlightenment Thinker
Believed in religious tolerance and freedom of speech

12 Impact of Voltaire First amendment of the Bill of Rights
Freedom of religion – Congress cannot create a national religion Freedom of speech – as long as it doesn’t present a clear and present danger

13 Mary Wollstonecraft English Enlightenment thinker and writer
Founder of women’s rights Pushed for women’s education

14 Impact of Wollstonecraft
19th amendment – gave women the right to vote ERA – Equal Rights Amendment – failed, but much legislation exists which bans discrimination on bases of gender

15 Adam Smith - Economist Capitalism- Scottish Philosophe
an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange Private ownership “rags to riches” Government regulates, not owns Scottish Philosophe Believed that people are free to pursue self-interests, gain profit, & economy will run itself - supply & demand Belief in laissez-faire – no government interference in economy Government provide: - protection - defense - public goods/services

16 Denis Diderot French Philosopher Diderot compiled an Encyclopedie
The Encyclopedie began to take several ideas from the communications of the philosophes and published them to be read by the masses This allowed Enlightenment thoughts and ideals to spread

17 Cesare Beccaria Italian philosophe
Opposed the torture and use of cruel and unusual punishment Believed those that were on trial had rights as well i

18 Impact of Beccaria The Bill of Rights includes the banning of cruel and unusual punishment The Bill of Rights also outlines that if a person is accused of a crime, they are innocent until proven guilty.

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