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WWI Begins.

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1 WWI Begins

2 3 Reasons for Military Build Up
Nationalism: deep feelings of pride in one’s country. formation of modern Germany Imperialism: led to more international incidents. Africa for example The Franco-Prussian War: fought in the 1870’s Modern Prussian army needed territory to expand. War scared France, proved Germany had gotten powerful

3 The Alliance System Alliances in Europe formed strictly by geographic location. one incident easily draws many countries into a war. The Triple Entente: initially France, England and Russia Eventually known as the Allies The side America eventually joined. Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Became known as the Central powers. Italy switched sides in 1915 Ottoman Empire (present day Turkey) replaced Italy.

4 Assassination Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist (Gavrilo Princip) while visiting Bosnia. Bosnia protected by Russia, attack on Bosnia draws war Von Schlieffen Plan – German plan to quickly end the war capture Paris and knock France out first invade France by going through Belgium. Result = Plan failed, Germany blamed as the aggressors

5 WWI Battlefield Open field tactics using modern weapons = horrifying casualties early. Machine guns, long-range artillery, barbed wire, and rifles. Trench Warfare – miserable, complex trench systems as defense from deadly enemy fire. constantly sick, muddy, wet, lice, and trench foot No-man’s land: the deadly ground between trenches, nowhere to hide most attacks took place at night.


7 Good Trench Bad Trench

8 Chemical Warfare Mustard Gas:
Named for its yellowish tint blind and disorient enemies before any attack. Hitler spent many months in a military hospital at the end of WWI because of mustard gas poisoning.

9 Summary For nearly 4 years neither side moved more than 10 miles at a time. Cost of WWI 65,000,000 – Soldiers Mobilized 8,020,000 – Soldiers Killed 21,229,000 – Soldiers Wounded 6,643,000 – Civilians Killed $282,000,000,000 – Overall Cost of the War (282 Billion)

10 Summary Cont. France: Germany: 11,000,000 – Mobilized
1,357,000 – Killed 4,266,000 – Wounded 40,000 – Civilians Killed Germany: 11,000,000 – Mobilized 1,808,546 – Killed 4,242,143 – Wounded 760,000 – Civilians Killed

11 Summary Cont. United States:
4,335,000 –Mobilized 50,000 – Killed 205,000 – Wounded 0 – Civilians killed Russia lost most from the Allies - 1,700,000 Many killed by Russians during Bolshevik Revolution

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