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Cold War 1945-1991.

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1 Cold War

2 Cold War Major economic, political, and philosophical differences between U.S. and Soviet Union made them enemies As Soviet Union expanded, U.S. responded with policy of containment—confronted communism wherever it sought to expand its influence

3 Potsdam Conference Allied leaders divided Germany into four occupation zones

4 United Nations (1945) promote world peace, human rights, and equality
show respect for justice and treaty obligations aid social progress and improve standards of living General Assembly included all member nations Security Council included U.S. Great Britain, France, China, the Soviet Union and 10 additional rotating members


6 Marshall Plan Proposed by George C. Marshall (Secretary of State)
alleviated economic problems so countries were less vulnerable to communism stabilized European economies led to European recovery

7 Truman Doctrine warned the Soviet Union that the U.S. would act to halt the spread of communism wherever in the world it menaced democracy Central Intelligence Agency—(1947) created for covert intelligence gathering

8 Berlin Airlift supplied West Berlin during Soviet blockade
272,000 flights in 321 days, tons of supplies


10 Joseph McCarthy Wisconsin senator famous for communist crusade or “witch hunt,” leading to charges and investigations against millions of Americans End of Cold War?




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