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Types of Speeches.

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1 Types of Speeches

2 Demonstrative Speeches

3 Demonstrative How to start your own blog How to bake a cake
This has many similarities with an informative speech (which we will cover next!). A demonstrative speech also teaches you something. The main difference lies in including a demonstration of how to do the thing you’re teaching. Some examples of demonstrative speeches: How to start your own blog How to bake a cake How to write a speech How to… just about anything!

4 Demonstrative Ideally, after a demonstrative speech, your audience members could do/create what you showed them. Demonstrative speeches usually include: Any necessary materials If you need a volunteer to help in your demonstration, it is best to have your “volunteer” chosen before you perform A step-by-step process to follow Possible mistakes and how to trouble-shoot Modifications for people who may not have the exact scenario/environment you have An example of the final product

5 Place your screenshot here
Demonstration Speech “How to Charleston”

6 Narrative Speeches

7 Narrative Speeches This speech is used to tell a story often based on personal experience. Key elements of Narrative Speeches Usually follows logical and chronological order Writer uses personal anecdotes to engage audience Has a central point

8 Narrative Speech Topics
A Memorable Journey A Frightening Experience An Embarrassing Experience An Encounter that Changed Your Life A Brush With Greatness or Death

9 Expository Speeches

10 Expository This speech serves to provide often interesting and useful information. In short, the purpose is to inform your audience. Some examples of expository speeches: A teacher telling students about the Canadian National Anthem A student talking about her research Gaming Addiction

11 Expository Speech Informative speeches are non-controversial
An informative speaker does not intend to change audience attitudes

12 Place your screenshot here
Informative Speech “Gaming Addiction”

13 Persuasive Speeches

14 Persuasive School should/should not be year round
A persuasive speech works to convince people to change in some way. The speaker wants to change the audience’s opinion on something they think, do, or want. Some examples of persuasive speeches: School should/should not be year round Women should/should not be in combat All students should/should not have an after school job Politicians should/should not have term limits

15 Persuasive A successful persuasive speech should…
open with a clear statement of the issue and your opinion be geared to the audience you’re trying to persuade provide facts, examples, statistics, and reasons to support your opinion answer opposing views show clear reasoning include strategies such as frequent summaries to help listeners remember your message end with a strong restatement of your opinion or a call to action

16 Place your screenshot here
Persuasive Speech “Texting and Driving”

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