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. Change Day is back! Have you heard of it before?

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Presentation on theme: ". Change Day is back! Have you heard of it before?"— Presentation transcript:

1 . Change Day is back! Have you heard of it before?
- Intro Name Thanks for invite For ChangeDay

2 Alberta Before we begin, let me ask you- why is change so hard? - engage the audience- or if audience is shy give some ideas to prompt them Why is this culture shift difficult? Especially in healthcare Needing permission Asking managers/bosses Fear Uncomfortable Wanting to make a change- but not sure where to start Could this be happening in your unit or department. Change Day is an opportunity to invite everyone to make a change without asking for permission.

3 Small actions x by many= big change
Imagine… one small action leads to big change Getting in an hour of exercise makes another one want to get in an hour of exercise Some people can look at this campaign and think there is a lack of rigour and longevity. But we believe that many small actions result in BIG change. Not all change initiatives need to look the same.

4 Quick history about how Change Day came to be
-NHS: resident – trying new things Wanted to ask others to try something new that would make things better Try one thing – a pledge that (is not money) to make a personal commitment to change something about your own health or health of others They get hundreds and thousands worth of pledges for change. NHS Change Day started in 2013 and  was the biggest day of collective action for improvement in the history of the NHS – Fact. A countrywide event in England, NHS Change Day was a grassroots initiative devised and driven by a small group of emerging clinicians and improvement leaders (the hubbies).

5 And this is the 2nd year that AB is taking part.
Last year over 6000 pledges were made- ranging from getting more zzzz’s, to spending at least once a week at a patients bedside, to advocating for quality toilet paper for inpatients, to spending a day of meetings in a gown to experience the vulnerability, being side by side with the AHS staff, spending a day in a wheelchair. People loved it because it was easy to understand, simple to take part and made pledges that they were passionate about

6 We learned a lot from our first ChangeDay..
But that was last year…. (thing of the past) This year we are encouraging people to register as a team, to make pledges and the team with the highest # of pledges will be recognized for their hard work - Because as we are becoming novice at this, doing a single pledge is great, but if you get a group of people and commit to their pledges- it encourage each other and inspire each other to be better and act on the pledges - And we are aiming even higher because we think every Albertan has an idea on what they think they can change to improve their health and/or the healthcare system


8 inspire excite attract engage \
Change Day to me.. is about inspiring each other, exciting the impossible, attracting others to think outside their comfort zone and engaging people to make their pledge Because one thing. Anything. It begins with you

9 Imagine the possibilities… your pledge for change inspiring others to pledge to better health and healthcare.. Your pledge answers the what ifs of healthcare What if answers itself



12 We are jazzing it up this year
We are jazzing it up this year. We have a Goose Chase scavenger hunt on with BC. You can earn points when you meet the missions challenges. Here are a couple of examples: I Pledge To… Make a pledge for Change Day 2017! Take a photo of your pledge and submit as evidence. Bonus points if you’re in the picture! #ChangeDay Retweet Get your #ChangeDay tweet retweeted. Take a photo of the retweet to submit as evidence! ChangeMaker Take a picture with one of your organization’s Change Day change makers! This person is one of the forces behind your organization’s Change Day initiatives- let’s show them some love! Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! Take a picture of your team holding their pledge cards. Don't forget to get their consent to use and submit their photo! And don’t forget to add your pledges online! Change Day Chummies Take a picture with someone whose pledge inspires you to make your own pledge (or of their pledge online)! Change Quest 2017: A Bit of Friendly Competition, Anyone? What Is It? As a bit of friendly competition among BC, Alberta and Ontario, we have created a game called Change Quest 2017! Change Quest challenges you to complete missions for points using an app for Android and iPhone devices called “GooseChase.” The game has a list of photo-based missions / tasks for teams to complete. Each of these missions relates to promoting Change Day 2017 and has a name, description and point value – and some also have a website link associated with them. Want to play? Just follow the steps below to get set up! Form a Team and Install the App by September 25, 2017 Form a team to complete Change Quest missions. You can have as few or as many team members as you like. In advance of the September 26 launch, install the GooseChase app on your iPhone or Android device. Search “GooseChase” in the app store; there is no charge to download the app). You should see this icon: . Create an account on the GooseChase app and share the user ID and login with your teammates. Just one person on your team needs to set up an account; all members of the team can then access the account with a shared password. If no one on your team has access to an iPhone or Android device, let us know and we will set up your account for you and you the missions. Join The Game Join the game by searching for Change Quest 2017 from within the GooseChase app (click the search button and type in “Change Quest 2017”). Note: While you can get your team ready prior to the launch date, the game won’t go live until September 26. You’ll just have to wait until then to get started! The game will run from September 26, 2017 until October 6, 2017. Change Quest 2017

13 Thank you to our sponsors- w/o whom this would not be possible


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