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KAREN PHELPS Spontaneous Sponsoring. Your Home Presentations “A Valuable Source for Recruits”

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Presentation on theme: "KAREN PHELPS Spontaneous Sponsoring. Your Home Presentations “A Valuable Source for Recruits”"— Presentation transcript:

1 KAREN PHELPS Spontaneous Sponsoring

2 Your Home Presentations “A Valuable Source for Recruits”

3 Sponsoring at Parties Your “I Story” or “Why Story” Asking questions during presentation Sponsoring Game Hostess Conversion

4 Example: Follow-up Phone Call “Sponsoring Game” Hi this is Karen with Norwex and I was wondering whether you had a chance to review the information I sent home with you last night? Then start asking questions based on her answers to the Sponsoring Game

5 Example: Follow-up Phone Call “Sponsoring Game” 1. “I know you work part-time, tell me about it. Where do you work and what are your hours?” Wait for answer and depending on her answer you may want to ask one or two more questions

6 Example: Follow-up Phone Call “Sponsoring Game” 2. “Okay, so you’d love to have the extra thousand dollars each month to save for a family trip. Tell me, where would you like to go?” (answer) When do you plan on going? Have you already planned it and found out how much it will cost?

7 Example: Follow-up Phone Call “Sponsoring Game” 3. “I know you really liked the idea that you could work this business around your family and your part-time job so if I could show you how you could easily earn a thousand dollars each month to set aside for the dream vacation you want for your family you’d like to find out more, wouldn’t you?”

8 Example: Follow-up Phone Call “Sponsoring Game” 1.If “Yes” set appointment to meet 2.If “No” ask why not so you can uncover the objection.

9 OBJECTIONS Handle what objections you can handle at the party. Handle all other objections on the phone or in person. Pause, take a few breaths and mentally put yourself in your prospects shoes. What would someone need to say to you to turn your objection around?

10 “I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME” “I realize sometimes we don’t feel like we have enough time, I feel like that too. However I found by creating a schedule for my business that works around all my other obligations I can easily find time to hold a few presentations each week and the additional income from these presentations has helped our family enjoy a lot of things we wouldn’t have had the money for! Let’s meet for coffee and I can answer your questions and show you how this can fit into your schedule. I can meet you tomorrow and I’ll bring you a gift, there is absolutely no obligation. Would you rather meet at 9:30 or 2:30?”

11 “I DON’T KNOW ENOUGH PEOPLE” “Often when people think about starting a new business they wonder, who do I know that will help me get started? When I joined I felt the same way, I was sure no one would help me. I soon discovered it was pretty easy to share the great products with everyone and when I let them know how much they could save by being a hostess, many of my friends and family were excited to help me out. “Your friends and family would love the chance to earn some of these great products for themselves too, wouldn’t they?”

12 “I COULD NEVER SELL ANYTHING, I DON’T WANT TO BE PUSHY” “I do understand how you feel about not wanting to be pushy and when I started in sales it was something I always worried about. What I found was everyone was falling in love with our products and it was so easy to share the products and opportunity that I never had to worry about being pushy.”

13 Follow-up Question “I do believe if you love these products as much as I do and you understand how much your customers and hostesses will gain by taking advantage of the products, and hostess program, you’ll feel the same way too, won’t you?”

14 Follow-up Questions “If it wasn’t for that is there anything else that would prevent you from trying this out now?” “I’m sure you could find a few hours each week to earn an average of $75 - $100 per hour, couldn’t you?” “I’m sure you could find a way to spend an additional thousand dollars each month, couldn’t you?”

15 The “Quality” of Your Recruits is the Direct Result of the “Quality” of Your Recruiting!

16 30 Minute Personal Appointment Step One - Getting to Know Her What impressed you about the Presentation? What was it you liked most about the products? How many hours can you devote to your business each week? How much money do you want to earn per week? What would you like to spend it on? How many presentations can you hold per week?

17 30 Minute Personal Appointment Step Two - Introducing Norwex Review Success Builder Set your own salary Set your own hours Rewards and Recognition Training and Support Explain Team Coordinator and Sales Leader

18 After You Show the Success Builder Ask This Question? “Do you see yourself eventually becoming a leader with Norwex?”

19 30 Minute Personal Appointment Step Two – How to Get Started Sign Your Agreement Today Quick Start or Fast Start Program Contests & Trips

20 Key Question “If I agree to train you do you think you could do a good job with this?”

21 Overcome Any Objections By asking questions at the beginning you will avoid more objections at the close!

22 “Before I recommend you to our company…” “You’d like to start earning this income right away, wouldn’t you?” “Can you set aside 10 minutes each week to call me? During first 6 weeks, we’ll talk after every presentation, after that will you call me each week?” “Can you set aside a few hours each week for your first 4 weeks for training?”

23 It Doesn’t Stop Here! Fill in Her Calendar ! Date for 2 Observation Set Date for Introductory Presentation Set Schedule for Dates She Wants to Hold Presentations Within Next 30 Days Set Dates for Training

24 “Your first 30 days will be busy and exciting as you are training, holding your first parties and learning the business! It’ll also be exciting because you’ll be earning income right away!”

25 Assign Action Steps Create List of 6 – 8 people new consultant will feel comfortable holding first presentations with. Send Invitations for Introductory Presentation Book Presentations Immediately Following Introductory Presentation

26 “Leadership is Action…Not Position!” People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!

27 Keep Your New Consultants Leave because: 1.Not earning what they expected to earn 2.Feeling of Neglect by Sponsor and or Leader 3.No Connection

28 “Shoot for the moon; even if you miss, you’ll land among stars!” Thank You Free Newsletters Karen Phelps

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