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PAYware Mobile Android Comparison June 2011. Discussion Topics Obtaining the App PAYware Mobile App.

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Presentation on theme: "PAYware Mobile Android Comparison June 2011. Discussion Topics Obtaining the App PAYware Mobile App."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAYware Mobile Android Comparison June 2011

2 Discussion Topics Obtaining the App PAYware Mobile App

3 Android Overview

4 To download the app The Android app is delivered through the Android Market. Select the Market application

5 Navigating Android Market Once you select the Market app you will see the screen to the right. You will want to press the search icon to find VeriFone’s Payware Mobile App.

6 Finding the App Type VeriFone Payware in the search bar and press Go at the bottom right of the keyboard.

7 Select the app and install it. Tap the app Select Install Confirm the Privileges

8 PAYware Mobile is now installed Exit Market app Now it is under your current apps Press and hold the icon to move it to your main screen

9 Launching the App Select the App The first time you launch the app you will be asked to establish a security PIN Then the setup assistant will launch. Select Activate account

10 First Launch Continued and Device Registration 2) Enter the Client ID from Activation Email 3) Then select Register Device 1) Make sure Live is selected 4) Enter the Username and Password from Activation Email and press continue

11 Device Registration After Registration the app privileges are loaded and the app is ready for use.

12 The App compared to iPhone – Very Similar Because there is no card reader there is no card swipe prompt

13 The App compared to iPhone – Very Similar Menu screen is almost the same

14 Running a Transaction

15 Additional Screens

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