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Two Rivers Chapter Website Navigating through …. Visit

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Presentation on theme: "Two Rivers Chapter Website Navigating through …. Visit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Two Rivers Chapter Website Navigating through …

2 Visit

3 Click login

4 Enter the same login and password as you used in the old system.

5 If you don’t know your password, you are new, or need to create a new login…

6 You will need your IAAP Member ID # to register for a new Login.

7 Logging in will take you back to the Two Rivers Chapter home page; however, it won’t show that you are actually logged into the system.

8 Click on “About Two Rivers”

9 A description of the Two Rivers Chapter pops up, along w/ a list of the current Board of Directors. The names are hyperlinked, so just click on them to send an e-mail.

10 Want to see what meetings & events are scheduled? Click the 2009-2010 Events button in the menu on the left side of the page. Topics listed will contain hyperlinks that will let you download detailed information and register for events.

11 Click on the MEMBER NEWS section in the menu on the left side of the page. This section was created for “members only” and can only be accessed if you have logged in.

12 Click on any of the topics in the menu on the left side of the page for more information.

13 One of the benefits of being an IAAP member is the opportunity to learn about new job opportunities.

14 Meetings and events will also be posted in the Calendar section of the website. The calendar includes information from ALL chapters and divisions.

15 The calendar is easier to view if you filter the information to include only the community information that you are interested in. For example, now the calendar shows only events that have been entered into the Two Rivers chapter calendar.

16 An even easier way to view the calendar is to click on View as List.

17 The List view allows you to scroll down through events. This is especially useful if you want to see what’s going on in other chapters.

18 Clicking on the event brings up more information…

19 And usually provides another opportunity to register for the event.

20 Click on Network. Here you can complete your profile, add contacts, etc.

21 From the Network section, you can edit your information and upload your picture to your profile. You can also look for other IAAP members and add them to your contact list.

22 Key words from your profile will automatically generate “links” to groups that you might be interested in.

23 Click on eGroups to visit the many available discussion forums. Or start your own e-Group!

24 You can subscribe to a group or create one and invite others to join!

25 Want to search for helpful documents that have been posted? Go to Professional Resources.

26 You can customize your search criteria ~ by keywords, tags, or by library location.

27 Two Rivers has a Library and an eGroup. Click on “View the Library.”

28 Anyone can ADD documents to the library. So feel free to share!!

29 Click on Add Document.

30 Name your document and upload it to the library.

31 Add Tags and/or Keywords to make Documents easier to find.

32 This presentation shows only a small part of what’s available in the new IAAP Web Community. As the community continues to grow and develop, more knowledge and information is becoming available. This exciting new format connects us in new and better ways, and provides us with a great opportunity to share our knowledge and ideas. The Two Rivers Chapter website is a work in progress, and like many other chapters, we are learning as we go along. Input from members to make the website user friendly, entertaining and a valuable resource are definitely welcomed and appreciated. Two Rivers Chapter Members, this is YOUR website. Let’s make it an awesome one… If you have questions or issues as you maneuver through the site, or you have ideas about to make the website better, please don’t hesitate to contact me @

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