Civilizations of the Americas

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Presentation on theme: "Civilizations of the Americas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Civilizations of the Americas

2 Olmecs Location: Yucatan Peninsula and the Gulf Coast
Built Giant heads Had a calendar and writing Led by priests, devoutly religious

3 Mayas Took over the Olmecs Lived on the Yucatan
Excellent farmers: maize/corn, beans, squash Calendar: 360 day solar Capitals Tikal and Chi Chinitza; modern day Guatemala and Mexico Built Huge temples

4 Ancient ruins at Tikal


6 Mayas Had huge ball court stadiums, teams that lost were sentenced to death Extensive trade: makes them wealthy Farmers paid taxes for temple upkeep Ruling Chief: Mostly men Priests conducted ceremonies Public officials collected taxes Peasants/ farmers paid taxes

7 Mayan Ball Court at Tikal

8 Mayas Hieroglyphic writing Concept of zero
Decline: start leaving cities around 900 AD Internal warfare Over-farming Over-taxing


10 Aztecs Had one king Society ordered as follows: King
Council of nobles/priests Warriors Peasants/farmers Slaves: prisoners of war and criminal

11 Aztecs Grew beans, corn, and squash Extensive trade networks
Capital: Tenochtitlan; present day Mexico City Religion: Priests really important Believed in human sacrifice to gods Built temples Carried on continuous warfare

12 View looking out from the center of Tenochtitlan

13 Aztec calendar

14 Aztec temple

15 Incas South American Group who orignated in the Andes mountains
Began as a bunch of tribes Became united under one ruler in what is known as the Inca Empire Sapa Inca is the name for the Inca chief Gold was their most prized metal

16 Incas Used llamas as pack animals and for wool Made excellent weavings
Macchu Picchu and Cuzco were the major cities; present day Peru Kept records in Cuzco called quipu: knots tied on strings

17 Incan city of Macchu Picchu


19 Quipu

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