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1 Protein


3 Classifications of Nutrients
1. Carbohydrates 2. Lipids 3. Protein- 4 calories per gram 4. Vitamins 5. Minerals 6. Water 3

4 Protein The main function of protein is to build and repair body tissue. Your body will use protein as an energy source if carbohydrates and fat are not present.

5 Protein You must eat protein from good food sources daily to replace the wear and tear of body tissues. All proteins are made up of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.

6 Complete and Incomplete Proteins
There are 22 amino acids. There are 9 essential amino acids. The body cant manufacture these essential amino acids so they must be obtained from food. Complete proteins contain all 9 essential amino acids together in the right ratio for our body to use.

7 Complete and Incomplete Proteins
. Incomplete proteins contain some but not all of the amino acids They can be combined to create a complimentary protein

8 Complete Proteins All foods from animal sources are complete proteins.
Examples: Milk Eggs Cheese Fish & all Meat Your body requires complete proteins daily!!! The only complete protein from a plant source are soy- tofu, tempeh, soy nuts, edamame Quinoa is considered a complete protein, but is not as high in protein as animal sources or soy, so is not included as a protein food in MyPlate . Complete Proteins

9 Incomplete Proteins Incomplete proteins are from other plant sources:
Examples: grains, dried beans, nuts and seeds. .

10 Complementary proteins
Complementary proteins are a grain combined with any nut, seed or legume. Incomplete proteins can be combined to create a complementary protein. For example: beans with rice; peanut butter &whole wheat bread.

11 Protein Choose seafood products in place of some meat/poultry - 8 oz per week. Some foods in the food group are also high in fat. We can reduce the amount of fat eaten from the food group by: A. Eating lean meats b. Trim away visible fat c. Eat skinless poultry D. Use low-fat cooking methods

12 Protein Besides being high in protein, dry beans are also an excellent source of fiber.

13 Protein Consequences of not getting enough protein in the diet include: A. Weight loss B. Lack of energy/tiredness C. Stunted growth in children D. Lowered resistance to disease E. Liver damage/death

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