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WWI and Russian Revolution

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1 WWI and Russian Revolution
The Making of the Great War (WWI) February Revolution Oktober Revolution Lesson #8

2 Collecting colonies based on Nationalism
One result of Nationalism was competition Competition on the national level can get ugly The “scramble for Africa” \ is one example. War is another.

3 Nationalism, leading to hatred and entangling alliances & War
World War I started because of intense nationalism Each nation thought they were the greatest Each nation thought they were unbeatable Each nation fought with modern technology In the end, the carnage was unimaginable.


5 The “M.A.I.N.” causes of World War I
What were the “MAIN” causes of WWI? Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Nationalism was the cause of the other three Militarism – massive build up of armies Alliances – entangling alliances – no option but to fight if your ally gets in war Imperialism – collecting of lands as a part of empire building M - A - I - N -

6 Militarism Armies grew to support the greatness of their nations
Britain wanted a giant navy Russia had the most men France had technology Germany wanted to surpass all of them

7 Prelude to World War I Germany had ONE ally in 1914, when the war started: Austria German Kaiser, William II told Austria they MUST remain strong, so that Germany would remain strong When Serbian nationalists demanded independence for Serbians living in Austria, Germany pushed them to be tough Austria then looked for an opportunity to go to war against Serbia, defeat them, and decrease Serbian nationalism Germany fully supported Austria (“blank check”) June 28, 1914 – Archduke Frans Ferdinand, prince of Austria – assassinated in a parade while visiting Sarajevo (Sarajevo was a city in a section of Austria which was mostly Serbian)

8 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Assassin: Gavrillo Princip Archduke: prince of Austria Location: Sarajevo

9 Start of World War I Austria used this assassination as the excuse to declare war Austria attacked Serbia Serbia’s ally, Russia, attacked Austria Germany, Austria’s ally, declared war on Russia Russia was allies with France Germany expected France would fight along side Russia Germany feared a two-front war. To avoid fighting BOTH Russia and France at same time, they had a plan

10 Start of World War I The plan guessed Russia would take a long time mobilizing (preparing for war) Germany declared war on France, and invaded through Belgium And planned to hit Russia later Britain joined in – WWI had begun Plan: to defeat France first, THEN Russia

11 THE FIGHTING of WWI Russia mobilized quickly
Germany forced to fight on two fronts German Western advanced halted German Eastern advanced pushed deep into Russia


13 THE FIGHING of WWI Russians attack Germany – two front war
In East: Russians pulverized In West: Trench Warfare “the Western Front” Russians forced into retreat Humiliated, the Czar abdicated Russia ended up surrendering West was static Trench Warfare

14 Trench Warfare

15 Trench Warfare

16 Trench Warfare

17 Trench Warfare

“Aeroplane” Submarine Tanks Flame thrower Poison gas Longer range artillery Pill boxes TRENCH WARFARE

19 THE END of WWI Russians defeated, forced to surrender
Americans join fight in 1917 Germans finally surrender 1918 Armistice: at 11am

USA, FRANCE, ENGLAND, ITALY Germany not invited Russia not invited France, England, Italy want to punish USA tried to prevent: failed Result: a treaty that humiliated Germany

Russian defeats destroyed Czar’s government Czar abdicated (surrendered the throne) the new Duma (congress) fought on Duma overthrown by Bolsheviks (Communists) (6 months later) Civil War – Communists won Result: Lenin (leader of Communists) created a classless society

22 Nicholas II

23 Gregory Rasputin

24 THE IMPACT of WWI (1920s) Nearly 20 million dead Land destroyed
Fear and anger Hatred and self protection Economies devastated Desperation will lead to dictatorships in 1930s Dictatorships lead to war in 1940s Click – 45 min docu.

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